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Penalty times
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:45 pm
by dweiler
Based on an earlier conversation with
@Meshtar , I decided to update our rule book, and share it here on our forum. To be clear, we are
not using this rule book at the moment.
The question is, do we want the moderators to use this rule book, and do we want it to be publicly known to players what the standard unvouch times are. My opinion is that, even though it will be harder for moderators to use their discretion, it is in everyone's interest if the way we give penalties is transparent and easy to follow for the players.
I am hoping for more opinions on this + the rule book is not finished at all, please leave a comment if you know more violations that we should include, or also leave a comment if you don't agree with a certain unvouch time/violation.
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:53 pm
by nicolai123
I think afk'ing should have bigger punishment than 1 day ban.
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:28 pm
by Meshtar
Thanks for the effort, this is very detailed now and will make it clear to all players what can they expect in case of rule violations since mods will be bound by this also. Penalties seem reasonable to me also. I !support
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:06 pm
by Anda
I agree with most of it, also some small ideas here.
ragequit and refusal to teamplay should imo have the same penalty time, only ragequit 1 day less if it was caused by severe refusal to teamplay from someone in the game before.
Pestering someone to play his line the way he doesnt want 2 should have some effect aswell, unless it is considered flaming ? Like tipps are ok but dont force yourself on somebody else.
I do no agree that for a revouch after mh u need 75%+ of the votes, i think 66% is fairer and more reasonable to gain ? i would be alright with 60%+ personally, but i guess 66& is easier to agree on ? 2/3.
Thx for the effort after all and good ideas.
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:34 pm
by Im_Halp
Keeping more than 200 value on a racing level for pushing/leaking reasons: 2 days.
So to me this means having 200g and having a 7/7 push in que so a total of 380g saved? Is that correct?
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:39 pm
by Jamo
I think it's not. I mean, you also lose the same amount of wood to send
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:44 pm
by FadingSuns
This is a guide for u to understand, but no, we are not bound to this. Each case is different from each other so basically we can reduce or increase the penalties explained here because there is not a clear description of the little details behind each reported case.
I just hope that in case we ban someone for X reason with a different penalty than the mentioned here, u dont start linking us that content. Thanks, we already know it... I repeat, there are many things to take into account for each specific case and this is just a guideline.
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:12 pm
by dweiler
Thanks guys for your suggestions, please keep them coming, but I will only have time on sunday to look more detailed into it.
As for the way moderators should treat this, my suggestion would be to use this as the basis of ruling. That means that if we have a different ruling than what this guideline says, we need to justify it. 2 examples:
We will unvouch you for excessive flaming. Our guideline says 3 days, however, because your flaming was provoked by your allies, we decided to take 1 day off and unvouch you for 2 days.
You will be unvouched for building more than 120 delay. Usually that is 2 days, but this is the 3rd time we ban you for that, so we will double that penalty to 4 days.
In this way, the guideline always makes sure that any ruling, even if it doesn't completely follow what we state here, is transparent for everyone and we avoid (suspected/apparent) randomness in judging.
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:05 pm
by Don_Killuminati
for major penalities :
Playing when unvouched = 1month ban
Account sharing = 6month ban
Ghosting = 6month ban for both
Leaving penalties :
Rq/Ragedc : 7 days at least
No draw : 7 days
Miscellaneous penalties :
Command abuse: At least 7 days
Oh well, this wont be a general truth because mods gonna handle cases 'case by case' regarding the nature of the violation, repeated offence, repeated offender as Mick said.
So its not that big deal imo .
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:08 pm
by 1007
when i wanted 3s i hosted 3s
but haza used lihlabort command and aborted my host
then hosted 4s
and he said 'why 3s we have 7 ppl'
is this command abuse right?
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:53 pm
by HazarDous
1007 wrote:when i wanted 3s i hosted 3s
but haza used lihlabort command and aborted my host
then hosted 4s
and he said 'why 3s we have 7 ppl'
is this command abuse right?
No. Command abuse refers to owner privileges passed on through the bot, not LIHL mods' privileges or any higher privileges I might have on the bot. If you've a grievance toward my actions, DM me rather than this weird post 5(?) months after it happened.
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 5:08 pm
by 1007
@hazardous yeah my post was aim for you
and i already knew answer
i asked to diablo b4
he said 'even mod cant not abort 2s or 3s host if someone want to 2s or 3s'
Re: Penalty times
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:48 pm
by HazarDous
You asked a question to which you already had an answer? Anyway, I answered your question nonetheless, without getting into the specifics.
This bot doesn't allow for 2s and 4s to run simultaneously (like it used to), though. Which means players cannot simply start a 2s or 3s if there are >8 players willing to [only] play a 4s. That's something mods will moderate, yeah. With regards to the specifics of the case above mentioned, I can't remember what it was about.