For quite some time now, this has been a heated topic of discussion on forum, discord, but mostly in games. With every close heal, someone would [rightfully] shout: "if hodor king, no heals". While most of us rely upon characteristics such as building or calling to win games and reach ELO highs, hodor has solely relied upon his extraordinary king control to break records that many of us would never had thought possible. Notably, he started the season with a 26/0 unbeated streak, using his KC in the most hopeless of situations in order to weasel away from what enemy team thought were "ez win". But for hodor, being unbeaten for 26 games wasn't enough. In only one month, his unprecedented king control had helped him reach a new high of 1650 ELO, while his closest opponents, still relying on the outdated building and calling tactics, laid far behind with 1100 ELO's.
Even today, whenever someone shows flashes of KC brilliance, the first question always asked is; "is that hodor smurf?", "is he dodging again?"
As time goes by, some players have had the insolence to call themselves the best KC.. many have tried to continue hodors legacy, and up until now, there has been no clear winner. So I ask, WHO in this post-hodor-era is the KC KING, who is Hodor2.0 ?!
Special mention to wanna-be-hodors, who have come to realize the importance of KC in a game and are now fighting over who will control the king whenever they end up in the same team.