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Drama boost

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:19 pm
by Meshtar
I'm linking a replay to prove we need a new team balancing system based on more accurate elo, something like Tom proposed or myself in that same topic. My point is, I'm 700 elo atm and still getting into ridiculous teams instead of getting teamed up with better players. Its insanely annoying and unfair. Don't want to insult anyone, or to insinuate I'm better than some other player or whatever just want to bring that topic back.

Re: Drama boost

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:28 pm
by dweiler
In this case, I think you are talking about Schrumpfi? He has on average over all seasons 949 elo, and he was like 970 now this game ( ... IHLPlayers). So the difference would be 20 elo in your solution.

Re: Drama boost

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:33 pm
by Meshtar
I'm not talking about schrumpfi (only)or anyone in particular, most my games lately are like that, just because plenty of people are still not anywhere close to the elo level that represents more or less their skill and as long as elo keeps reseting every season its never gonna be fixed

Re: Drama boost

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:36 pm
by FateStayNight
well the problem in that game was dodos elo? Who do you think is not close to his elo?

Re: Drama boost

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:41 pm
by Meshtar
At least 50% of lihl isn't at the right elo imo. Anyway you were a strong supporter of Tom's idea, so you changed your mind? And its not about this game in particular, most of my games are unbalanced like that, I linked it only as an example. This isn't about reporting anyone, just about bringing that topic back alive

Re: Drama boost

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:42 pm
by Kreutertee
To be fair enough, he titled his post accordingly. lol

Re: Drama boost

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:44 pm
by FateStayNight
Meshtar wrote:At least 50% of lihl isn't at the right elo imo. Anyway you were a strong supporter of Tom's idea, so you changed your mind? And its not about this game in particular, most of my games are unbalanced like that, I linked it only as an example. This isn't about reporting anyone, just about bringing that topic back alive

Im still supporter of his idea, but in this paticular game i see no one really far away from his real elo

Re: Drama boost

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:52 pm
by Meshtar
FateStayNight wrote:
Meshtar wrote:At least 50% of lihl isn't at the right elo imo. Anyway you were a strong supporter of Tom's idea, so you changed your mind? And its not about this game in particular, most of my games are unbalanced like that, I linked it only as an example. This isn't about reporting anyone, just about bringing that topic back alive

Im still supporter of his idea, but in this paticular game i see no one really far away from his real elo

Surprisingly enough, our opinions are very different again.I bet no one really watched the replay and saw the chat and build decisions there etc.
Nvm though @dweiler, please process this topic. I should have taken your advice about posting it later and in a very different way probably. Now its apparently seen as a rage-post (which it kinda is :D ) and no one is looking at arguments or trying to present any, just plain trolling.