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Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:26 pm
by HealByColor

Pretty much my point is they cost me the game by having to use all 3 heals by 7... I will not play games like this no fun to risky they say it works but.... its like I don't play with a maybe all the time really this is lihl.

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:35 pm
by Furbolg.

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:35 pm
by willie64
We made a bad call early game and it fucked up 3 > 5 > 7; after that good recovery; Deal with it... 2x archers is hard to counter on that matter; QQ more people double lane on 3s and 4s. Love and kisses

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:41 pm
by supersexyy
Ok, I've made it so such situations are impossible from now on.

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:43 pm
by HealByColor
you full double build from start. That qq statement you just made is how stuff gets started, like I stated b4 its very easy to type but to say in person another story.

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:46 pm
by bit
That's a risky move, and in my opinion it should be used only in a very rare situations. On the other side, I don't think people should stick to meta every game, that's just boring.

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:49 pm
by HealByColor
Pretty much in the 3v3 game I was solo lane. So if they failed when they sent if I leaked its a heal or gg. Good players also send when solo is weak sooooooooo...... very risky

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:26 pm
by dweiler
I tried to double-build in the middle with Litecp a couple of days ago too, and it didn't work as well (but only at lvl 28).. I guess this topic should serve to warn people for not making the mistake of building in the middle :P

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:37 pm
by willie64
We fucked up @ start; as you could see we were capeable of holding well even the rounds with big sends with the right ammount of delay. Imo no 7/0 pre lvl 3 would have allowed goat to have more value thus hold level 3.

It can be done and ill do it for sure again if with goat; since we teamplay that rather well. Just a early screwup can mean alot for the future gameplay but it can also be sooo much stronger than anything else.

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:41 pm
by HealByColor
I think it could work. This is very risky though and no reason the other players should play with the major risk just my opinion rather just put to a vote and get over with. Maybe ask other players if they okay with or its allowed

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:24 pm
by GoatsBeGone
Totally stupid irrelevant topic, everybody who has tried to do a double build a few times know how strong both people can get, even with the little defence bonus creeps get, the lumber and value advantage you can gain with the right units, ofcause units has big influence for a good duo build and it was me who paniced and asked Willie for duo build, so Im to blame, what you gonna do ? Unvouch the lovely and always kind goat ^.^
But anyways the day before I got vouched me and Willie had duo build, during this game Supersexyy told me about Lihl, me and Willie had around 7/15 both on 20, killed 12 turtles and 4 demons.. to bad its long time ago and I cant upload a replay, but im sure we should be able to make a good duo build for you to change your mind about this. I dont like the idear about asking my team mates if they want me to go mid, as I said if you have the right units, then mid is briliant and much more effective then single, ect archer build is nice solo, but damn what a sick unit for duo build if you got the right support.
No reason to argue about small stuff like this, I see people do much worse then we did that game, and remember if we hadnt mid, we would have lost on lvl 12 anyways, so if we lost 12 or 17 whats the difference.. sry you lost elo.. im sure we can the nice people from Ent to give you 15 of my elo :)

Re: Get rid of this!

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:20 am
by Drahque
bit wrote:That's a risky move, and in my opinion it should be used only in a very rare situations. On the other side, I don't think people should stick to meta every game, that's just boring.

GoatsBeGone wrote:Everybody who has tried to do a double build a few times know how strong both people can get, even with the little defence bonus creeps get, the lumber and value advantage you can gain with the right units, ofcause units has big influence for a good duo build.

If you have the right units, then mid is briliant and much more effective then single, ect archer build is nice solo, but damn what a sick unit for duo build if you got the right support.

This is both very clever statements, I do indeed agree and have lots of games that could prove duo building being extremely powerful. Being able to way more with a much lower average value and those pushing that early income a bit extra and those much more commonly getting that very important early game advantage such reached with archers, aqua etc. (but instead of just 1 person with it, then you do now have 2 people, which even are capable of holding level 10 with both 7/4. That's sickness crazy). I have duo builded 100+ games with Wog_itachi, being able to carry 2 big time noobs in public vs. 4 decent players 1400-1500 elo each, who even has 2 Mercs. I have several examples of games where duo build hold levels with impossible low values contra being solo. Because you have 1 very strong side where 9 out of 10 units survive, being able to hold all from the weak side and still capable of going mid to hold even more. :)

I do be happy to see people training duo build, it could make a whole META change, such as when Beep started the duo build from 14 or 17 to hold 20, it might soon be moved to level 1 already. But of course, the chance of making mistakes increases, those making it more risky - but this is only due to lack of experience. The more you train it, the stronger it is becomes. Of course before 2 people duo builds, it should be trained in public - so that they know each others way to play. Cause it's important that both doesn't go 4/0 (2*150 gold), then its better to have one with 2/0 and with 4/1 or 5/2, for exemple. ^^,