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Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:28 pm
by FateStayNight
when i saw he pushes 4-0 with 2 bottom(which can be considered as one of the worst units for level 2) i told him he will leak. But he ignored it and leaked vs no send revealing them all our units, which results into enemy skipping level 3.
Tk can happen, but if someone leaks on level 2 vs no send because of ignoring his teammates is just pure shit really.
Re: Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:51 pm
by Meshtar
Thats so not the worst tk he did today. Also not the first time he pursues certain builds/decisions against wishes of the whole team.
Re: Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:25 pm
by Crey
I dont like to fight or report people, but i also played with him a game when he didnt listen whole team. He went wolv build instead of harlot. He said he needs to hold 10 for us, fine. BUT he pushed 7/4 during lvl6 and was dead after because game was fast and enemy didnt give any gold from their king leaks (told him not to push more also, but he didnt listen). THE final was 4 wolves for lvl10 and ofc not even close to hold smth.
Re: Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:57 pm
by KiwiLeKiller
Meshtar wrote:Thats so not the worst tk he did today. Also not the first time he pursues certain builds/decisions against wishes of the whole team.
Can you provide replays please?
Re: Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:11 pm
by Meshtar
Kiwi wrote:Meshtar wrote:Thats so not the worst tk he did today. Also not the first time he pursues certain builds/decisions against wishes of the whole team.
Can you provide replays please?
Well I hate reporting, but I kinda walked right into this one.
This is the replay game as hell. He leaked 15 or 20 creeps on lvl 2 cause he didnt notice the round time. Ok can happen to anyone. But even after losing that gold instead of pushing when we already have a full holder (me) a semi (armed going tok) and even possible wani semi (which i dont think was the right call) he wants to hold 7 with time stealers. It results in a total overbuild game and no feed for holder where I started blaming people but instead of pointing towards obvious bad play people complain about my blaming, as if I'm supposed to be completely calm to this kind of play.
Re: Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:13 pm
by godlik3
man i dont have to play they way u guys want me to play
to leak, to hold, to push
ofc is a team game but ppl complain to much about such lil he saying i want to hold 7 with time stealer witch i did, and after i held 10 also like i planed too even leaking instead of conplaning about about wat should i do mb focus on ur own game,,,like if u want wood, push, if u want hold, hold, instead of complanming about feed. i am not obrigated to feed anyone...
about leak on 2 with ogre, i didnt plan to, i thought i would hold even fate saying i dont. he talks like he knows everything on game lol...and also building ''shit'' units instead double bear for 5 to save us, missing propety value instead of building retard units =)
but i am here to play and have fun...i am not like before raging ppl every time. if ppl do mistakes idc i just keep playing but lihl players still think they know everything and they care to much about this game. funny thing is, before complaing about others they should see their own game and see how bad they are =)
Re: Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:37 pm
by dweiler
Re: Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:13 am
by Meshtar
While Fate's report was made before 2 hours passed, mine and Crey's weren't so do they fall under the same technicality or not?
Re: Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:56 am
by dweiler
Well, in Crey's game, I understand he played weak there. I would also say harlots is the better choice there. However, he did not say he will hold 10, he pushed because he said it's 12 game. I can understand pushing with wolves if you think it ends 12 when you have thorn. It is not a bannable action.
In your game, I see more people getting annoyed by Wani's build and by you complaining about it. Seems a bit weird to single out Glik3 there when it was just a mess of a game. Maybe it can contribute to a skill-report (with the replays etc), not so much to a report about a violation.
Re: Glik3 tk on purpose
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 12:12 pm
by BoretkPanda ... 414994.w3gnext lvlwierd placement and decissionmaking
wierd ob at lvl4, farmblock and sits on 120 gold at 7, completly bad placement and splitforcing by polar after 12(?) + wierd placement by dh forces even more splitpotential. and some wierd moments to rr. - why rr dh when we need cover 15. i think thats more a game u could add to show tks than ur replays. but i think there are higher tks atm than ur replays cya