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Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:49 pm
by dweiler
Hey guys,

Unfortunately, I will quit my moderator position as soon as the possibility is there. I say unfortunately, because I feel bad for leaving @anda and @Iamyoursenpai , who have been great 'colleagues'. Also unfortunately for all those people I liked to moderate for, who enjoy playing LIHL and don't have too much time by watching others all the time or spamming us with their diarrhea over pure BS.

For me, the level of behavior in the league has dropped to such a point that I am not willing to invest my time or intellect on it anymore. I don't want to be responsible for a community that tries to exclude people in such a shameless and insulting way (mainly talking about all the distasteful comments made about Vendeta and SupremeBeing recently).

I have also noticed that because people ask so much of the moderator's attention, that I have not been able to focus on the things I like doing as a moderator: judging vouch requests, thinking of how we can make the gaming experience better/maintain the level.

I will stay to be mod and try to help Anda and Senpai when they need it until there is someone who wants to try being a moderator. You can reply here, or contact one of the two other moderators if you want to try.

Lastly, I want to apologize to @Crazy_Skeleton for giving him a really hard time in the league. I had hoped there would be some maturity about your trial (as it was before), but by this method we have put you through a really hard time online, because people just do not have the proper respect. I hope you are able to find the fun in gaming back anytime soon.

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:54 pm
by KiwiLeKiller
Thank you Mick for all you have done for this league. I really feel the same as you right now about the "behavior" issues. It's quite a shame, LIHL will cause it's own death soon enough...

Mick, not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed.

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:55 pm
by Jamo

Actually, was already waiting for this to happen for quite some time... sadness, but I can understand :(

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:58 pm
by Vendeta
It is sad that u want to leave moderation position. You were and are one of the best in this, and league will suffer hard when u leave it.

But i cant say i blame u. I completely understand why u want to leave it, even tho it is bad thing for the league.

For the sake of the league, i hope u change your mind, and stay as a moderator. But as your friend, i will say u made the right choice.

Good luck with what comes next my friend.

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:03 pm
by Don_Killuminati
I trully apologize if I participated in it from near or far.
Thank you Mick for all, i wish you could reconsider and find a little hope on it.

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:13 pm
by Meshtar
Oh fuck. Man I really hope you will reconsider, cause things will get 10 times worse when you stop moderating. Thats the selfish me speaking.
The less selfish me thanks you for the amazing job you have done in my somewhat still short time in lihl. I hope to see you in games still at least, to show you how new guys are kicking the ass of old guys :D
Try not to take this circus too personal at least. Much (non-gay) love from me :P

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:21 pm
by n1ll3
Sad to here you quit mick. You did a very nice job.

Thx a lot!!

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:38 pm
by FadingSuns
Thanks for all ur work Mick. Might sound ironic for the hard times im giving u guys today, but i always went straight to the problems and thats wut i just did (better or worse is just what i felt it was right to do).

Really would love u the best for whatever u do and again sorry if i fkend ur day...

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:46 pm
by TeachRolls
I have to say I'm a bit disappointed reading this as you're without a doubt the single greatest asset to the LIHL Moderation. When faced with hardships you either quit or you move forward despite everything.

What this sub-forum section is experiencing at the moment is the combination of impatient, insecure & foolish individuals coming together wreaking havoc all over - projecting their own weaknesses onto others they dislike or consider inadequate. However all of this can and will be temporary if dealt accordingly (e.g. swift gestures of authority to put an end to all of what's going on). The players have had too much say in how the League deals with its internal matters, which has (evidently) proven to be unsuccessful. Moderation exists for incidents such as what's currently going on - be above the people involved and resolve the matters at hand.

I hope you can take a moment off, re-evaluate the current events with your fellow moderators and come back determined to set things back on track.

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:52 pm
by Diablo_
Sad to hear, but it's an understandable action. Thanks for your work and I hope we will find a new moderator soon :)

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:53 pm
by nicolai123
Thanks for all the work you did in lihl. Sry if i was a part of this decision

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:15 pm
by FateStayNight
i cannot agree with your reasoning to quit the modjob at all ( if you said u got no time it would be another story). We had like 1 1/2 month without a single post/report etc. . I dont wanna accuse you of something but i feel your real reason is a different one. And as a moderator the conflict you might have ( we can talk in discord bout it if you want) shouldnt be a reason to quit the job.

But just because we have 2 bad weeks, it shouldnt be a valid reason to leave. Especially because conflicts are not always bad, its just pretty natural and i think the overall lihl atmosphere has not changed lately, yes the new vouches are pretty gobby, but thats whatever.

So unless you have a real reason i would reconsider your decision since you are without any doubt the best mod lihl ever had.

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:46 pm
by dweiler
Thank you all guys, I really appreciate the support, and yes I will keep playing every once in a while. As for the reason for me to stop, there are several. But most of all I think the league does not deserve a moderator that avoids checking the forum, because he does not want to be dragged in another personal issue, another hate-report, another blaming each other for not building what the other wants. So it is better for myself to stop, but also for the community because clearly some guidance is needed at this point and I am not motivated anymore to do it.

For me it is not a matter of just the last days. It is a matter of the last year where moderatorship very much changed, where people became more and more dependant of moderators and brought their personal issues to moderators. I understand it is just a small part of the community, and that such type of reports can also be dismissed, but for a moderator it is 90% of their work nowadays. I have called for more manners, more tolerance for others, less reports in the past a few times, and have tried to give it new chances to see if the job will go back to something I am more comfortable with, but the last weeks showed that there is no change regarding that at all, and that this pretty much is what moderating LIHL is about now. It is for me nowadays only a stressing job where I am spending my time on things I don't want to, for pretty much all of the time.

I really like @Tombamp3 's analysis, for sure there is hope for LIHL, perhaps with some strong moderatorship. I hope there are people (beside Anda and Senpai, who I think are very much up for it) who have the passion to bring it to a better place (at least on the forums and the moderating part, I think playing online is still fun).

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 1:03 pm
by Dong
@mickeythemousie if you quit as lihl mod, i shall kill u mang...

Re: Quitting as a mod+ looking for a new moderator!

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:07 am
by tariqtd
How you dare leave before give me any Bann yet ?
You need to give me Something before step Dawn or you request IS rejected .