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The end and the beginning of a long journey by "archol"

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:52 pm
by archol
1) Who are you?

Currently the third oldest active LIHL member (even before LIHL there was HR with Diablo, Mickie, Beep, Ba etc.), who brought most players into LIHL (teaching into the league, about 30-40 or more players since season 1) and a former LIHL mod

Don_Killuminati wrote:I support if you promise me to not try to be mod anymore :lol:

2) Ive heard you caused a somehow huge terrific incident at that time?

In short, i wanted to kick half of the league (or give them a timeout) due lack of skills or/and behaviour and my last game was quite a negative example (3 in my team teamkilled me), thus i held the enemy killing send (0 heals and i held 12 bosses and all wyverns on 10), left the game against the rules and unvouched myself.

3) Why did you come back?

Regardless i came back few years later, because LTD 2 doesnt fit my expectations. But my return had hurdles: Map changed, meta changed, 1200+ players got better, tower changed, players changed, my brain changed etc.

4) What do people think about you?

Of course, most remember me from that time and still were the opinion that i can stomp at least half of the league, if i had the skill from that time. But i didnt due reasons above, except in 2s, which is unfortunately still not a popular mode. Somehow a few still hold a grudge against me, but unfortunately there will be always such people, but im not like that!

5) How are you doing in LIHL currently?

I still dislike 4s, i still dislike the randomness, i still dislike immolation, i teamkilled few times at start, i didnt know anything about the new towers ... but i dont dislike any members/players, like always - because i treat them like everyone else.

6) What do you think of the current state in LIHL?

Well in season 1 there was actually no drama, besides Drahque (he played normal and good with me, as he listened to me and he never teamkilled me once, compared to others) and then somehow with season 2 the league got poisoned and the effects are still on today. I would say nowadays is the most toxic season since im part of LIHL, but not forum wise, just ingame wise.

7) How come that people are treatening you differently than others?

Well, probably because im nice to everyone, even to those who are hated/disliked by nearly everyone, and thus mostly dont care when i teamkill(ed) or they teamkill - best example were Drahque (99% of the league were against him besides me and Eldryanthewise, we treated him like a human being compared to others), Gog-Magog or currently Vendeta or Supremebeing, who even picked me first both times at captain mode. For example: Vendeta and Mudman were fighting for half an hour, and in the end both listened to my calm words and behaved, whereas the 4th player said: "Wow, i would never believe it if i wouldnt see it live".

8) How come players like Vendeta or Supremebeing dont teamkill you, but others?

One example: Today i had a game, where a teammate died at level 1 with aquas - and Supreme only didnt build good for 10. If we reserve rolls, most players here would attack Supreme if he was the teamkiller instead of the other player, because of the reputation. In the game Supreme placed some towers in a straight line instead from down to up, and we told him in a normal way and he learned his lesson and thanked us. If you treat them nice, they treat you nice. As long players behave, apolozige and learn from mistakes, i dont care if they teamkill me nonstop, but this rarely or never happens.

9) Do you have a solution what to do in that case?

Yes, if you compare it to season 1 - which was the most peaceful season so far, with no disconnect reports -
... kick half of the league

Re: The end and the beginning of a long journey by "archol"

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:02 pm
by Anda

Re: The end and the beginning of a long journey by "archol"

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:04 pm
by Crazy_Skeleton
I trully do not understand this topic :) Any purpose of it? Or we r just supposed to be happy U were so kind sharing with us ur thoughts? :)
U shall print a red book of thoughts, like Mao Tse Tung did! :)

Re: The end and the beginning of a long journey by "archol"

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:22 pm
by Psyclone

Re: The end and the beginning of a long journey by "archol"

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:15 pm
by Anda
This reminded me of that old man that lived in my neighboorhood ,constantly bragging how everything was greater in the past, but yet pretending to be at peace with the present.
Still a fun post to easy everybodys mind here i guess ;)

Re: The end and the beginning of a long journey by "archol"

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:45 pm
by point
it looks like cheap reading

Re: The end and the beginning of a long journey by "archol"

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:38 pm
by Meshtar
Snowblind wrote:This reminded me of that old man that lived in my neighboorhood ,constantly bragging how everything was greater in the past, but yet pretending to be at peace with the present.
Still a fun post to easy everybodys mind here i guess ;)

Well Fiji is always talking how lihl games were way more skilled when he was winning seasons... ;)