Mudman started being toxic right in Discord, after he lost a game to Vendeta, BA_Fail, JustPush and I. He got called out for his bad call and it looks like he had to express his frustration towards Vendeta. Notice how Vendeta remains calm and doesn't flame/insult him a single bit while Mudman shows absolutely no class and !ihs Vendeta, trying to act like his arguments were invalid because of his ELO. Then he calls him a retard out of nowhere.
Then, we play a game and ofc I am with both Mudman and Vendeta on my team, along with Wani. I mean, I don't really care, as long as they both can behave, but come on... grow up.
Game link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 544849.w3g
I start by making things clear that I will not tolerate any flame/toxicity right at the beginning (don't mind me talking about leaving, it was just so they take me seriously lol). Mudman !ignores Vendeta. That's fine, if it's the only way he can behave himself, it's better than nothing. But he continues to be toxic in all chat towards Vendeta for no apparent reason.
On level 2, Mudman proceeds to spam ping Vendeta's lane and to insult him (even though he !ignored him... why?!). Please note that Vendeta already rerolled prisoners.
Then, I ask Mudman to kindly shut the fuck up, because:
- It serves absolutely no purpose to flame someone, especially if you ignored that person in the first place.
- It only creates frustration for the other players and it contributes to the (already) bad atmosphere.
- If people won't let others manage their lanes while they are not !ignored, why would he do it while he !ignored Vendeta?!
- It only creates confusion for Vendeta and it makes him wonder what the fuck you want of him.
- He didn't have prisoners anyway, so all he said was none sense.
Followed by:
At this point, game became unplayable, Mudman could only communicate with 1 single player, being Wani.
- If it is against the rules to !ignore 2 players in your team, how can it be allowed to !ignore someone right off the bat for no reason, then to be toxic enough to get !ignored by one of your teammates?
Mudman being more and more toxic he was trying to steal the King to Vendeta. Some might say that Vendeta was being childish to keep it, but I think it's the other way around. Mudman was only trying to tilt Vendeta and to make shit for his own fun. During that time, Vendeta was being calm and civilized.
Then, my PC overheated for some still unknown reasons and I disconnected. Fortunately or unfortunately? I can't tell yet.
This is one example of how people can be toxic sometimes. It doesn't only ruin the game experience of the person being flamed/insulted, but it also ruins it for everyone else.
I truly hope something will be done in regard of such low class behavior. This is an in-house league after all.