- I think this procedure is simply too complex and too time investing;
- I do not have the energy, neither do I have the will to invest so much time in what I think is obvious;
I am also sure moderators are already aware of the situation and that I am not the only one that have had issues with JoeSakic and that they agree with the following statement:
- JoeSakic does not have the required skill level to take part to LIHL.
First replay:
It all starts when I fail call to send level 18, he calls me idiot. It would've been fine if it was meant as a joke, but knowing Joe I know it wasn't, so I !ignored him. Then, on level 28, I look his lane and I see he is building wardens (!?), I check his roll and he happens to have wyverns, which is fairly good when you up them. I !unignore him and I tell him to stop mass wardens and to mass windriders. He calls me gay and !ignore me. Not only he trolls, but he also flames me and ignores me.
Second replay:
Just casual JoeSakic TK, pure ob lvl 7, doesn't hold. I've seen such happening a lot with him, overbuilding and not holding.
He is literally clueless about this game, behaves like trash and, obviously, doesn't have the base skill-set to play in a, somehow, competitive league as should be LIHL.