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yeyyyy and clog mid is back!!congrats gog pew donbola 1006!
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:26 am
by vicdcq
Re: yeyyyy and clog mid is back!!congrats gog pew donbola 10
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:26 am
by Qvist
We only did it because we had pewpew on team
Re: yeyyyy and clog mid is back!!congrats gog pew donbola 10
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:18 am
by Hutzu
@vicdcq: Btw. the person using AS was sony-
20:55 <SONY-> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: -3472.10, Y: -2299.91, flags: 0x0040)
21:00 <BRRJ_S.Dragon> [Allies] MAN
21:00 <god.lik3> [Allies] who as
21:03 <Fanatismo> [Allies] lol
21:05 <BRRJ_S.Dragon> [Allies] rly
21:08 <BRRJ_S.Dragon> [Allies] who did this...
21:16 <SONY-> [Allies] it wsnt me...
That sneaky liar
Well, clogging is so much it still allowed?
@Krumme @Diablo_
Re: yeyyyy and clog mid is back!!congrats gog pew donbola 10
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:45 pm
by ZTX)Fiji
Clog mid<3 sure it is
Re: yeyyyy and clog mid is back!!congrats gog pew donbola 10
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:47 pm
by Diablo_
It's really sad to see this happening again and we can only hope that this won't happen regularly again. It's simple, if you care about LIHL you shouldn't do it, as it has the potential to totally destroy this league.
It was never "banned" as it is really hard to come up with a rule to prohibit this so we only appealed on everyones' understanding on this matter.
Btw, banned Sony for antistuck and pewpew for mid building.
Re: yeyyyy and clog mid is back!!congrats gog pew donbola 10
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:21 am
by bugatti_veyron
You can say what you want about the overwhelming yoloing trend in LIHL but it has completely cured the mid clogging type cancer that was so abundant previous to that. personally, i'd rather play brainlessly pre 10 and then compensate for that on all of the 10+ levels, rather than the game automatically ending on 17 regradless of what happens before that, cuz that's how LIHL was in the past.
Re: yeyyyy and clog mid is back!!congrats gog pew donbola 10
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:47 pm
by HealByColor
Totally agree with all of this. Takes all skill out of LIHL
Re: yeyyyy and clog mid is back!!congrats gog pew donbola 10
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:09 pm
by Diablo_