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Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:42 pm
by HealByColor
Warcraft III username: Healbycolor
Realm: useast
Situation: Unvouched for some reason for unpausing.
Why you should be unbanned: First reason there is no rule saying that I have to wait... Second he already paused 3 times this game by lvl 4. The most important reason is I waited the time that he said he would be gone. One player should not hold up 7 other players. He stated no reason for afk also this is ruining the league. So unvouch me because I technically did not break a rule! second make a rule if it is an issue.

LIHL Rules:

Please Diablo_ show me where I broke a rule or Team kill or anything. He trolled me for 15 minutes after now that is breaking a rule!

My belief of a moderator is someone that enforcing the rules not someone who enforces what they believe if there is an issue with what I did then make it a rule. Obviously I should not be unvouched for 30 seconds let alone 2 days!!! Please and Thank you!

Re: Re-vouch

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:52 pm
by BouncingHitman
This isn't the LIHL forums; moved.

Re: Re-vouch

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:07 pm
by Diablo_
He paused once because igod was afk. He then paused for a few seconds (if there even was a pause) after level 2. So the pause on lvl 4 was his first "real" one in this game, and if unpausing in such a situation where he even said it will be a short pause (please don't be so childish and take a "brb 1 sec" literally) would be ok then that is what would destroy this league, as there would be no pauses allowed what so ever, which obviously isn't what we want, nor is what is good for a competitive league.

The pause rules themselves indicate that pausing is ok if it's needed, otherwise we wouldn't need those rules all together and just state something like "you are only allowed to pause if all players agree".

Re: Re-vouch

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:09 pm
by HealByColor
He stated a time I allowed that time. No rule stating that I have to wait also stop be so biased and go by the lihl rules not your opinion because it really doesn't matter. make it a rule i will never do it again okay?

Re: Re-vouch

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:01 pm
by iG0D
Just make a new rule "the person who pauses has to unpause and has to check to make sure everyone is back" simple as that... let this one go and be harsh the next time around

Re: Re-vouch

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:14 am
by aRt)Y
There's no need for such a rule because it is common sense not to unpause - or what exactly is the point of a pause if you just unpause anyway?
Additionally, Warcraft 3 doesn't allow more than three pauses anyway if I remember correctly. In your case, it would have been his last.

As Diablo mentioned, for a league player, you've a poor understand of the rule(s) and, at least in this case, a questionable sportsmanship.