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Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:47 pm
by godlik3

I have some questions about the game here and would be happy to know the answers ehhehehe....

Why does hydra and mutants r better than spawns,god/dragons , blasters and nightmares on 27??
even mass archers r better on 27 than normal atack units...-_-

Why druids r so lame 1 - 9 11-19, and they r so good after 20?

Why hades suck so hard on 13 18?

Why infernal is 1k wood to send?

Re: Questions...

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:56 pm
by godlik3
why mass archers r good on 27 and mass aquas r not?????????????

Re: Questions...

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:01 pm
by Krumme
druids are also good massed late because they almost stack on each other as they aren't that huge
I prefer archers over oceanus as archer is more value than oceanus, they have longer range and they don't take up as much space as oceanus (they run from side to side to get angle to shoot from)

Re: Questions...

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:13 pm
by godlik3
still gods and spawns upped range units and they have advantage on dmg....also the hades thing is so hard to understand they take 80% dmg on magic and still suck on 18 13...ahha

Re: Questions...

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:58 am
by tastay
Why do creeps use different paths depending on where they come from?

For example One elite + one small archer can clear furbolg lvl 2 if they are bottom of the map but can't clear it if they are from the top?

Re: Questions...

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 2:15 am
by MarshMallows
Your units get focused and surrounded much faster if you build at the top or in the centre on the map. it is best to build at the bottom on the far wall. the reason for this is that if you leak it takes longer for the leaks to get to the king and we all know that seconds for mean the difference between a win and a loss on rounds such as 17 or 20 :p

Re: Questions...

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 2:26 am
by tastay
Sorry I might have been vague but I meant as in different colours

If you are pink you don't leak but if you are green you will even while having the same positioning

Re: Questions...

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:29 pm
by Qvist
Why are knight so good on 10 and sucks all other levels.

Re: Questions...

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 2:14 pm
by eldryan
lol. or maybe you build weirdly with units.

Re: Questions...

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:41 pm
by MarshMallows
Only level knights are decent for pre 10 is 3 i find.

Re: Questions...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:40 am
by godlik3
why archers good on 12 since 90% dmg???
why archers good on 13 but turrents r not?

Re: Questions...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:21 am
by Krumme
God.lik3 if you go ahead and make 1000 value of turrets and 1000 value of archers I'm sure both of them will rape the lvl with just a somewhat decent tank in front

Re: Questions...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:25 am
by tastay
So does anyone know why 1 elite + 1 archer can hold level 2 with furb sent as pink but can't hold it as green? even when they both have the same positioning

The same with Infantry when 3 of em can hold 5 easily as Green but struggle to even hold it as Pink

Why do units act different depending on which side they come from

Re: Questions...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:37 am
by Diablo_
It depends heavily on the focus, from your towers and from the creeps. That's also a part of the reason why LTD is so random. 5 Elite Archers vs level 9 ... sometimes 3-4 of them (with high hp) survive, sometimes you leak. Like wtf ^^
But I don't think there's a significant difference between the colors, it just varies on the focus.

Re: Questions...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:05 pm
This will be a long post :D

Part 1: Damage per second per gold.
First of all, you need to understand that every tower deals a certain damage per second per gold [dmg/(sec*gold)]
For example:
An unuped archer deals 12 damage every 0,5 sec at a 50 gold cost.

Code: Select all

=> 12/(0,5*50) = 0,48 [dmg/(sec*gold)]

A value around 0,5 or more is strong, less then 0,5 is rather weak.
The Elite Archer deals 12-13 dmg every 0,5 sec to 5 targets at a cost of 205 gold.

Code: Select all

=> ((12+13)/2)*5/(0,5*205) = 0,61 [dmg/(sec*gold)]

The normal Archer deals 0,48 dps/gold
The Elite Archer deals 0,61 dps/gold
So, if you built 10 Elite Archers for 2050 gold they will deal an average dps of:

Code: Select all

2050*0,61 = 1250

If you spend the same money on normal Archers their average dps is:

Code: Select all

2050*0,48 = 984

You can do that math for most of the towers and you will see that meelee towers deal less dmg than ranged towers (in general)
What we can learn here is, that all kinds of multishot towers deal more dps/gold then single target towers. The price you pay is the disadvantage of the dmg spread.

ps. You can also calculate the the hp/gold of a tower and, clearly, melee towers have more hp/gold then ranged towers. Hades has the most hp/gold followed by the Hydra. Zeus is one of the weakest.

Part 2: The damage waste
Some towers deal a huge amount of damage. If you finish a creep with a certain tower there will always be an overkill. The overkill is the damage you would not need to kill the creep. If a Golem on lvl 17 has 100 hp and your doomsday hits for 450 dmg (+dmg type advantage) you waste about 300 points of damage. It would be better if that damage was already done to the next creep. This influences the true dps/gold of the Doomsday by a lot. For example, its better to have two Neo Tanks since they deal less then halve the damage and cant waste as much as the doomsday on a low hp creep. For Elite Archers however the overkill is very low. They deal only 12-13 dmg. If they finish a creep the maximum dmg they waste is 12. So, the Archers true dps/gold is very close to there calculated dps/gold

Part 3: The armor breaking attack
The attack of some towers ignore the enemy armor. Most of the waves have an armor of 3 wich means a 15% dmg reduction by normal attacks. Even if a Proton deals 100 chaos dmg, the armor reduces that damage by 15% to 85 damage. If a druid hits with his spell it will deal the full 100 spell damage (to the first creeps) because all kinds of spells in Legion TD ignore the armor. Also the Hell Raisers dmg is armor breaking. Its true dps/gold equals its calculated dps/gold. Some other towers with armor breaking attacks are: Phantom (normal attack) Dark Priest (spell) Medidian (spell) Tauren (spell) Minotaur (spell) Moonguard (spell) Orc Warchief (spell) Harpy (poisen) Medusa (poisen) Gnoll upg (poisen).

Part 4: The range advantage
To deal the highest dps, a tower has to attack without pause. Especially on ranged levels the pause between two attacks will have a great impact on the dps of a tower. For example: On level 12 the Elite archers have more range than the Sirenes (600 and 400). The Archers wont move for the whole level and wait for the Sirenes to come in range. The Sirenes move up to a 400 range radius around the Archers and stop to start there attack. They block most of the wave wich leads to only 10 creeps attacking simultaniosly. While the Archers deal there full dps, only 10 of the 45 (?) Sirenes can attack. So that level is like fighting 10 + 10 + 10 +10 +5 cpreeps. If you have melee units, the sirenes turn the table. Now, your units run in range of the Sirenes will the Sirenes can attack. And its not just 10, it will be 30 of them attacking at once. So the average dps the sirenes deal to meelee towers is three times higher vs melee then vs ranged towers. Worst case is if you have halve of the value in melee and halve in ranged towers. The melee towers will rush and die very quickly leaving too few ranged towers behind to finish the remaining Sirenes. You can even leak here with 1000 Value Aquas and 650 Value Warden (Pure Aquas will always hold better then mixed with melee). The other disadvantage of melee towers vs ranged levels is that they cant attack continuously. After finishing one creep they have to run to the next creep and lose time = dps.

Part 5: The damage type
Different dmg types are strong/weak vs different armor types (No secret). On early levels you build special towers vs certain levels like siege dmg vs 17, normal vs 14, pierce vs 10. A tower like the druid is an allrounder. His spell deals the same dmg to every lvl, but his magic attack doesnt. Even on level 15 a sword mage deals more damage then two druids since his dmg type is full magic while the druids spell isnt and doesnt deal more dmg vs heavy armor. Also on lvl 20 the unuped druid is not that good (with the total dps split into magic and spell dmg) than a tower with full magic dmg. Only advantage of the druid on 20 is that it starts the level with full mana and deals a lot of dmg on impact. But you all saw even mass druids leak without proper tanks (like hades).

godlik3 wrote:Why does hydra and mutants r better than spawns,god/dragons , blasters and nightmares on 27??
even mass archers r better on 27 than normal atack units...-_-
Why infernal is 1k wood to send?

melee towers die on 27 because demons, locks and krakens can hit them. If your melee towers have the good dmg type and die, you lose the dmg type you need for that level very quickly.
Hydras deal low dmg overall and even lower dmg vs 27. But they have lower range then Mutants and tank all dmg from Doomguards, Demons, Kraken and locks while the Mutants can attack nonstop. Same for Archers or Turrets. They have a lot of dps/gold and enough range to stay alive. Problems with aquas is that they have a rather low range and cant just stay back and attack. They come close to the front line, block each other and cant attack nonstop like archers/turrets. Other interesting fact about tanks: Hydras and Hades have the highest hp/gold. Other "tanks" like tauren, moonguard, blaster etc lose hp/gold with there upg. The unpgraded meele units has always higher hp/gold than the unuped version.

godlik3 wrote:still gods and spawns upped range units and they have advantage on dmg....also the hades thing is so hard to understand they take 80% dmg on magic and still suck on 18 13...ahha

The hades is not medium armored. Only the hades itself. Diabolic has 1200 hp light armor, Imps are 350*4 hp unarmored. Light armor takes 110% and unarmored units take 100% dmg. Its better to have 2 Lods then 1 Hades on 13. If you just watch the Hades armor type ... fine. Hades cost 650 gold. You get 1475hp Medium armor for that. Hydra costs 620 and you get 4k hp !?!
And dont forget the Hades is a tank. With summons massive hp but low dps. Hades with good dps in the back rapes 13/18.

Death dragons and Dragon aspects just suck. For the price you pay they deal a ridiculously low dps. (Thats why there attack speed in the new Beta Version is 1,3 instead of 1,6, with lower splash) Also the splash dmg is not very strong. On lvl 5/7/13 where all creeps are very crowded you hit up to 10 creeps with the splash attack. On lvl 27 you just hit one or few more because the units are bigger. They cant fit in the splash radius of the dragons. You just dont see the difference anymore because you have to many towers to identify a single towers dmg impact. But you can observe that on lvl 6. The Mud Golems are also bigger than Satyres. You will see that a Dragon doesnt hit as many.
And if the Dragons with there very low dps/gold also lose there splash advantage they just suck.