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guenter dc

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:04 pm
by MarshMallows

Re: guenter dc

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:28 pm
by Hutzu
Is it this game?

He disconnected before game started.

(00:00 / All) Braveheart_wins: ANNOUNCEMENT: Tip: Check out our website at for a list of current games, player statistics, and our forums!
(00:00 / QUIT) Guennter: Disconnect
(00:00 / All) Braveheart_wins: Use !draw to vote to draw the game.
(00:00 / All) Braveheart_wins: Shortest load by player [Braveheart_wins] was 6.66 seconds.

I dunno if we punish people for that. And just as info, we are not forced to report all disconnects, in case you made a wrong assumption or were falsely informed. Did it once myself. Reported gog for disconnecting, when he was actually winning against my team -> gog got mad and the rest looked rather baffled about my dc penalty request ;)

Re: guenter dc

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:45 pm
by SLSGuennter
it is this game ... getting dc-penalty for dcing on load-screen? O.o

Re: guenter dc

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:12 pm
by MarshMallows
Oh okay, I thought it was a rule, np

Re: guenter dc

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:22 pm
by Hutzu
It is all good. People 'usually' claim dc penalty if game has reached, let's say, lvl 7-10 already. Barely before that unless clear advantage was given by e.g. lvl 1 warriors or nice lvl 5 send or so. And again 'usually' people on the losing side wont claim it, if the one of the winning teams disconnects. Of course you have every right to claim it even then, though your reputation among the players will suffer severely. Some still do it out of revenge for getting dc penalty when they thought they were winning, but I personally leave those cases where they belong: In the sandbox with the other toddlers.
Just as a rough rule of thumb ;)

Re: guenter dc

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:01 pm
by Diablo_
To sum up: it's up to the players if they want to report a disconnect or not (regardless of the circumstances), but disconnects before the mode has been set will usually not be penalized.
Archived :)