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!draw when DC

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:59 pm
by Diablo_
And another suggestion coming up :D

We have had some confusion/bad manners about the draw rule lately when most of the people wanted to play the game on after someone disconnected but then wanted to draw anyway because their send failed or something.
Currently the rule says that if someone disconnects for what ever reason before lvl 20 has ended, you have to draw (as most rules this can be changed if everyone in the game agrees to not draw).
Now I was wondering if we should change this so the team with the one disconnecting alone can decide whether they want to play on or not (note that all players of that team would have to agree).

I think most games with a DC would still be drawn, BUT the team with the leaver could decide to play on when they had a huge advantage or if they already sent and expect the other team to die on the next level, in which case not drawing imo is fairer.

What do you think? Are there any disadvantages with this change?

Note that with this change:
- Nothing will change for DCs after level 20.
- Every player of the leaver's team has to agree to play on, one saying he wants to draw is enough to make it mandatory.
- Once decided to be played out, a draw can't be enforced anymore (unless someone else also disconnects).
- If a game is not drawn, you can't request a DC penalty (as it already is).

I'll wait with my vote to see some arguments for/against this (but you can change your vote anyway).

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:37 pm
by Hutzu
Is there only one chance to make that call?
I mean e.g. it is lvl 16. Team East wants to send on 17, but after Pink used all his wood, he disconnects. Team Easts decides to play on, because they think that Team West is toast! But they surprisingly hold 17. Now at lvl 18 Team East decides...oh well, let's draw.

So how is this planned? Team Disconnecter can change their decision at any time (of course not anymore if the game proceeds lvl 20) or has to make a final call?

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:39 pm
by supersexyy
I think this is how it was when lihl first started.

Upside is obvious.

Downside is the team without the dc pressuring the opposing team to play on. Automatic draw keeps things simple.

@hutzu I assume the game will be paused and a decision made.

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:26 pm
by Diablo_
Diablo_ wrote:- Once decided to be played out, a draw can't be enforced anymore (unless someone else also disconnects).

It's already there :D
Pause the game, decide it, and it's firm.

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:29 am
by ZTX)Fiji
Apropo this 'rule' about drawing a game with a dc pre20 if everyone did not agree to play on - here's a game with a dc on 15 and a refusal to draw from east team here's a replay where this rule was ignored - the game after this one, someone had to leave a game after 20 finished - amd it was drawn without a problem - Corrupt much?

I do not wish for the players who broke the rules in the replay I'm posting to be punished due to season ending soon, but I would like the game to be rightfully neutralised and drawn according to the rules

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:26 pm
by dweiler
Hutzu wrote: e.g. it is lvl 16. Team East wants to send on 17, but after Pink used all his wood, he disconnects.

This is my worry. Abuse. If u have a leaker with high income, but shitty value u let him send and after that he DCs. Maybe you think that is far-fetched, but those kinds of disconnects are probably the only time (besides really big advantages) that people will decide to play on, and it will just cause discussion and drama. To keep it clean, a no from me.

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 10:36 pm
by Diablo_
Good point micky!
That made me vote against the change now :P
None of the two ways is perfect, but both have equal disadvantages and since one is much easier and cleaner I'll go with that ^.^

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:40 am
by ZTX)Fiji
& my request of drawing the dc game that was not being drawn?... I would recommend watching the replay

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:02 am
by supersexyy
We don't have the ability to do that, you should know this by now.

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:16 pm
by Diablo_
2 more days to vote on this :P
Result will be discussed between the mods, imo it requires more votes + bigger lead to be changed.

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:42 pm
by Diablo_
Poll ended, gonna ask Krumme and Super what they think about this result xd

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:59 am
by tastay
Don't you guys think drawing before lvl 20 is too late?

imo most games are decided by level 10 and being forced to draw when you are so ahead at lvl 12 is fairly annoying

Re: !draw when DC

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:51 pm
by Diablo_
We decided to not change this due to the low amount of votes + close result + potential new problems.