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Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:54 pm
by Hutzu
Well, look here

uakf.b already reset the stats and that means that ZTX)Fiji has won the last season. I expected it to be later today, but oh well.
Everybody is at 0 again.

Congratz Fiji, good luck everyone for the new season!

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:25 pm
by Muslim
Who won at season

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:35 pm
by Haunt
Cool, I'll play one game to get to TOP10 :)

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:39 pm
by Hutzu
Fiji won @Muslim

You had 1439, he had 1438. Then he got the disc-penalty bonus of +4 and he won 2 games. One with +10.xx and one with +8.xx
So he won with a gap of ~21 ELO between him and you.

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:42 pm
by Muslim
Lol no there is wrong. Last night he played he loggoed offline with 1438 i logged offline with 1439 u can ask krumme he was observer i gusse

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:43 pm
by Muslim
Pls show the elo for ppl

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:46 pm
by Hutzu
I cannot show it. I know what I saw. The lists are gone by I can show you this: ... tx%29fiji/

Those are the 2 games he played today on 31st. Then he got dc penalty +4.
I was refreshing the TOP List, when I came back from university and saw him on top with 1461.xx or so. He won. You will have to wait for the LIHL mods to show the official results.

Since those are his last 2 games and he was 1438 when he observed you or with you (doesn't matter), you know that I am not lying and it is correct what I am saying. 1438 + 10 + 8 + 4 = 1460 and he had 1461 I think because of all the .xx adding up.

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:56 pm
by Muslim
I didnt said u lier all i said season end when elo.was 1439 me and fiji was 1438. How can season end then fiji won just no comment i need krumme and diablo cheak this pls there is wrong

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:58 pm
by ZTX)Fiji ... X7UkmRPAtw

#1 Track to play legion to this season ;)

#2 ;) get yo nice headset for this or stereo... not faggot beats by dre

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:28 pm
by Diablo_
ztx)fiji (1): 1461.57. W/L: 140/106 (246 total)
gog-magog (2): 1439.16. W/L: 108/71 (179 total)
beepboopbeep (3): 1361.57. W/L: 71/43 (114 total)
krumme (4): 1309.79. W/L: 58/38 (96 total)
god.lik3 (5): 1227.27. W/L: 258/241 (499 total)
ilocos_norte (6): 1222.42. W/L: 143/127 (270 total)
purple. (7): 1197.48. W/L: 50/38 (88 total)
eldryanthewise (8): 1145.75. W/L: 28/17 (45 total)
patarinsky (9): 1124.67. W/L: 108/94 (202 total)
occupyw.street (10): 1112.75. W/L: 102/93 (195 total)
madridista (11): 1097.25. W/L: 73/66 (139 total)
brrj_s.dragon (12): 1090.75. W/L: 24/18 (42 total)
1006 (13): 1086.3. W/L: 57/51 (108 total)
jahcoozi- (14): 1083.72. W/L: 56/49 (105 total)
tastay (15): 1067.57. W/L: 32/30 (62 total)
diablo_ (16): 1060.92. W/L: 86/81 (167 total) (17): 1052.31. W/L: 24/21 (45 total)
trancedout (18): 1050.48. W/L: 45/43 (88 total)
fanatismo (19): 1042.74. W/L: 138/132 (270 total)
hutzu (20): 1042.57. W/L: 39/37 (76 total)
mkaay (21): 1039.69. W/L: 10/7 (17 total)
healbycolor (22): 1036.25. W/L: 90/89 (179 total)
1005. (23): 1014.83. W/L: 2/1 (3 total)
dweiler (24): 1008.59. W/L: 61/59 (120 total)
akitos (25): 1002.75. W/L: 4/4 (8 total)
tinyfrog (26): 1002.44. W/L: 1/1 (2 total)
braveheart_wins (27): 1001.04. W/L: 151/147 (298 total)
donbola (28): 999.5. W/L: 11/11 (22 total)
xfiend (29): 996.46. W/L: 51/52 (103 total)
willie64 (30): 990.41. W/L: 82/82 (164 total)
achillesgr (31): 985.28. W/L: 316/333 (649 total)
lem0nsky. (32): 984.49. W/L: 1/2 (3 total)
skillerinstinct (33): 984.49. W/L: 1/2 (3 total)
beyond_average (34): 981.66. W/L: 21/23 (44 total)
lisk (35): 980.45. W/L: 0/1 (1 total)
lorddus (36): 972.18. W/L: 9/11 (20 total)
armedanddeadly (37): 969.91. W/L: 0/2 (2 total)
suchnoobmuchwow (38): 966.29. W/L: 1/3 (4 total)
nell93 (39): 964.17. W/L: 6/8 (14 total)
ethanol (40): 961.29. W/L: 17/19 (36 total)
archol (41): 947.7. W/L: 13/16 (29 total)
jaysquared (42): 937.95. W/L: 10/14 (24 total)
martiny (43): 935.5. W/L: 62/60 (122 total)
fua (44): 931.84. W/L: 3/8 (11 total)
marshmallows (45): 927.31. W/L: 46/53 (99 total)
helekiller (46): 912.4. W/L: 35/42 (77 total)
arishok (47): 911.61. W/L: 86/95 (181 total)
dong[thai] (48): 910.44. W/L: 6/12 (18 total)
fogey (49): 908.14. W/L: 112/120 (232 total)
marlboro_ (50): 905.96. W/L: 35/41 (76 total)
pewpew-lasergun (51): 897.46. W/L: 29/35 (64 total)
stanky (52): 878.23. W/L: 13/20 (33 total)
dark_magician (53): 862.6. W/L: 95/109 (204 total)
ig0d (54): 860.19. W/L: 63/72 (135 total)
jubadus (55): 857.46. W/L: 17/26 (43 total) (56): 849.82. W/L: 277/294 (571 total)
sony- (57): 833.06. W/L: 124/133 (257 total)
keero (58): 811.63. W/L: 36/49 (85 total)
ba_fail (59): 771.31. W/L: 11/25 (36 total)
cutelittleshoe (60): 757.17. W/L: 58/75 (133 total)
guennter (61): 731.8. W/L: 17/35 (52 total)
clearfluids (62): 686.71. W/L: 62/86 (148 total)

Fiji won :)

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:34 pm
by Muslim
Its wrong i dont respct this season all season i respcet it only. This i dont its just free won for fiji thx all any way

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:44 pm
by godlik3
unbeliveble...this season was the most team kill worst lucky season ( ppl dc when i should win )
fiji was saved by more than 8 games for dc against me =)
also i got so many dc penaltys because fatal errors when i formated my pc
but no excuses....congrats olivaa...!

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:48 pm
by Diablo_
Muslim wrote:I didnt said u lier all i said season end when elo.was 1439 me and fiji was 1438. How can season end then fiji won just no comment i need krumme and diablo cheak this pls there is wrong

As always the season ends whenever the stats are reseted (which is done by mister busy uakf.b). Maybe that's not optimal, but it is how it is, just be happy with your impressive second rank ^.^

And congrats to fiji ;)
pm me your email adress for $$ (from uakf)

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:21 pm
by Muslim
No comment thats all its just free won for fiji idk if u guys racist vs muslim or what can sameone tell me how to won season i did my best o got elo more then fiji idk how he is won

Re: Unexpected but Congratz Fiji

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:45 pm
by Hutzu
I dunno why you cannot understand me, GoG.
The last time you saw him, he had 1438 ELO. Then I linked you to 2 games he played AFTER the last time you saw him. He won both games and from another game he got a dc penalty bonus. So he got 1461 ELO. I could understand if you are upset that uakf.b ended the season half a day too early, but you are kinda accusing us to have manipulated the ranking because we supposedly are racist towards muslims.

So again. You see him with 1438 ELO and when you go to bed he is still 1438 ELO. Now today he logs on before you. He plays 3 games, wins 2 of them and gets dc penalty bonus from the other game. Now he has 1461 ELO. At the time you log in, uakf.b has ended the season. You were about 1 hour late to play a game.