That's because
@ZTX)Fiji was a dumb-dumb to use !start force[ZTX)Fiji]: !start force
[System]: 5. . .
[System]: 4. . .
[ZTX)Fiji]: fucker
[Achillesgr]: africcaaaaanss
[System]: 3. . .
[dweiler]: martinyyyy
[System]: 2. . .
[System]: 1. . .
[ZTX)Fiji]: !scores
[System]: *** player [dweiler] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [martiny] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Achillesgr] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [MrTown[UC]] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [ZTX)Fiji] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [wolfwarrior] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [1006] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [V1rus] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
That's why this command is forbidden.
The use of !start force is forbidden.
Do not abuse !owner commands (!kick, !mute, etc.)
It causes this bug. We cannot fix this. You can try PMing uakf.b cause we mods cant do anything about it.