@wolfwarrior i dont have problem with korean only, thats why i wrote:
Guennter wrote:this is mainly for the germans and koreans
and i agree with krumme, who says we are 1 community and should talk in the same language so ... if the english-skill-level on newvouches is to bad, they get denied (saw it on one of gog´s requests). its hard to make a plan, if 2 guys are speaking in a language, the third cant understand. i often lose send-income cause of this. 2 guys are talking, i cant udnerstand anything and suddenly they send. its realy annyoing and also can cost gold, so it decreases the power of the player ingame, if the other are talking in another languages. imo, i shouldnt be punished for not beeing able to talk korean, and its same for all other, which cant speak german.
Gunther and the Sunshine-Girls. Hell Yeah