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Rule update
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:45 am
by Hutzu
Diablo_ and I had discussed this previously and came to the conclusion that we will keep a new rule like this:
Do not clog on purposeWe will decide which is on purpose and what isn't.
As to get a feel to what we mean, I'll post my suggestion in that topic:
1) Don't sell any tower-value more than 50g, unless you are building a stronger tower for it
2) Don't clog intentionally more than normal yolo would do
3) Don't clog more than 1 round [in a row], unless the opponents sent on the 2nd round
Those were meant until 7, as the skill-less clog-mid strategy was taken over, but this can be widend out if necessary. So, do _NOT_ sell towers for the sole purpose of upgrading lumberjack (unless it is like a t1/t2 unit) or just clogging the hell out of it etc.
Also don't stay low value to begin with in order to trick the "no-sell" rule as this would be against 2). I mean we don't care if e.g. an archer-player stays 2 elite and 3 small ones for 7, you don't need to up a 3rd elite. But don't stay 2 elite with 0 small ones and call that not violating 2).
Just rough examples.
Re: Rule update
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:29 am
by V1rus
thanks for the rule update guys
*those rules were meant til lvl 7*
that means: selling all your towers after lvl 7 and staying 0 value for lvl 10 to lvl x to clog is still allowed right?
greetings v1rus
Re: Rule update
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:56 am
by Hutzu
No, my suggestion back then was to prevent the retarded lvl 5&6 clogging strategy. That's why I wrote 50g tower-value at selling. You can sell more later on (otherwise being allowed to only do up to 50g of delays or for splitting your army would be just stupid), but that doesn't mean that clogging is allowed after lvl 7.
Edit: And my 3 points are just to get a rough idea what we understand under:
The rule says "DO NOT CLOG ON PURPOSE!"
We will judge each reported case not necessarily under those 3 mentioned points (at least not literally). As I said, only for a rough idea. Everybody in this league should know what we mean and not try to twist their way around it (not directed at you v1rus, just saying in general).
Re: Rule update
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:11 pm
by artmas
clog play is dirtyplay
vote huztu
Re: Rule update
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:26 pm
by Diablo_
Simply put: Don't do that lame mass leaking and slow killing (lvl 5-6 or w/e) strategy and also generally don't clog on purpose (14++ etc)
Re: Rule update
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:59 pm
by tastay
all you have to do is make a rule where you can't save gold per round and sell towers
problem solved
Re: Rule update
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:48 pm
by MarshMallows
Just make a rule: don't play like a dick. and it's fine.
Re: Rule update
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:23 am
by MichaelSong
if anyone thought there was violation of this rule in your game, feel free to PM to any of LIHL Moderators for check out the fact. ( I would appreciate if you go fast look on yourself before reporting it tho. )
Re: Rule update
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:31 pm
by pewpew lasergun
please find solution to this 400 value thing suicide,
happened again today. apparently not selling just failed cause send at round 2.
no need for me link replay, i dont want blame 1 person, just the suicide pb banned somehow.
maybe a rule like " if you fail 1 round because of send dont suicide, keep building" ?
its just discusting, want a clean game.
please pretty please with sugar on top.
Re: Rule update
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:49 pm
by archol
How about everyone stay 1 wisp till round 31 - no (suicide) income, everyone is focusing on holding all lanes with barely any income
Re: Rule update
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:04 pm
by dweiler
Stupid rule. I don't intend to follow this rule at all (I mean that you can't suicide, banning the clog level5-6 strategy is fine with me.)
Re: Rule update
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:42 pm
by archol
I had a game now, where i build for value although i know that i couldnt hold anything whereas the other player just pushed and leaked so we lost that game
Ill just dont build after 6 anyways with certain towers and just push with eng all the time, they even all leaked "on purpose" (5-6-7-8-9-10)
Re: Rule update
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:56 pm
by MichaelSong
Edit: Hello, this is Wolf and I discussed with Hutzu and I will add some further more explanations about rules since several players have asked me.
I saw several people misunderstood about real intention about this rule.
As it is mentioned it is most likely to aim until 7(4x clog at 5 6) and going straight 17 and selling many of your towers to intentionally clog.
The fact that suicide is still okay unless you don't sell your towers more than 50g (exception: selling of delays).
Re: Rule update
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:30 pm
by dweiler
Well the reason I am in favour of banning the level 5-6 clog strategy (now, after seeing there is no counter) is because it 'kills' the 4v4-games. When this strat is executed correctly and there is no immolation in the game there is literally no chance of going past 7.
The level 17 clog is often a desperate attempt to win a lost game, e.g. after a failed send on level 13/14/15: we will die on level 17, let's try to clog to have a chance? I think that such clogs are viable and should not be banned, because it's an all-or-nothing strategy with huge downsides - such as that the opponent often holds anyway (remember you are desperate) and you made your loss even more sure than it was. So forbidding this as well, just because of the level5-6 clog strategy is just overkill
Likewise with the minimum values-selling towers question: that is only a problem with the level 5-6 strategy and nowhere else? Making this a rule is also overkill.
In any case, I think just banning the level '5-6 clog strategy' without any fundamental rules about clogging or minimum values really is better at this moment. This should be easy to do. For example in the rule book state: "The strategy where you leak purposefully leak a lot of units to the king on level 5 and/or 6 to gain a lot of time and lumber is forbidden in the LIHL." or something similar... I think rules as the OP here just makes it difficult for no reason
Re: Rule update
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:11 pm
by Hutzu
You can sell 500 value, if you want to, as long as it doesn't clog. The rule is just the part in bold. The stuff below is no rule, just something that might help people understand what we meant, and also only meant for lvl 7.
The bold part is meant for the whole game though as abusing this movement-bug of creeps/sends should not have a part in a skill-based league. You leak more -> you get more damage instead of the other way around. And we say "on purpose", so accidental clogging is ok, but don't tell me you accidently clogged with 1.5k gold on your hand or the whole team (not a single person) is 7/15 with 2.0 - 2.5k value on lvl 17 and that kinda stuff.