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Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:36 pm
by MrTown[UC]
Hello there,

the following is regarding this game:

Achillesgr is suiciding on one lane and artmas building Zeus in the back and pulling creeps from Achillesgr.

With kind regards.

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:34 pm
by Krayyzie
happens all the time...only way to get rid of it is change the penalty for pulling to a few days ban right away, and people will start building more infront..

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:36 pm
by archol
I see enough games where they do it, the reason is the same like for disconnect - if no report => no penalties rofl

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:48 pm
by MrTown[UC]
Just to clarify things, i dont want anyone banned or anything. I just want to know how this will be handled and i want it to be handled. It seems like everyone doesnt care much about it and its just tolerated. But strictly speaking there is this rule. Either abolish the rule or enforce it somehow. But like that u have this grey area.

I did the same thing btw unintentionally in this game lvl 9.

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:54 pm
by supersexyy
Agree with krayyzie

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:57 pm
by MarshMallows
If you pull other units you get banned, I got banned for it the other day, now who you reported and yourself will be banned.

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:08 pm
by MrTown[UC]
Well ok then but i think we have to do something about the fact that its seems rather random and depends on the goodwill of people. Sometimes u get banned sometimes u dont. Doesnt seem fair at all. Any Ideas?

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:03 pm
by Krumme
@mrtown[UC] - same goes for DC penalties - there is no guarantee that you get dc pen. You just risk it if it feels gameruining or if mods decide to check replays through.

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:24 pm
by MrTown[UC]
I think this is a kind of Problem that cant be rellay solved by mods controlling (since they are alreaddy swamped by all the admin tasks they have to do) . Couldnt we just all agree on an honor code or something to just build like way more front eg start at dark green line or something? I dont see any point why building so far back is advantage to game besides pulling creeps from teammate. Im just trying to find a solution here that will make the game more fair and reliable. Good night all.

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:30 pm
by supersexyy
If you do it then you are at risk of getting banned, it's simple really.

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:08 am
by Diablo_
Yes, I have no idea why it's so hard for many people to not build so far back.
Honor code etc didn't work, many people are just too cheesy, hence we are more strict about it now. Will watch the games soon.

Re: Report Pull

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:24 am
by MichaelSong
Watched all of the replay. I watched 2 times as point of Achillesgr, and point of artmas.

artmas banned for 2 days pulling level 9,11,13,14,17,18.

Achillesgr built until lvl 3 and didn't build nothing after 3, upgraded geomancer to clockwerk and didn't build after that.
So it is so obvious that he should going to leak after lvl 5 when you see your allie's tower.
If you mention about the Diablo_'s building rule which we show as line,
this is our RECOMMENDED line which "please do not build upper this lane" because it has great chance of pulling long ranged units if you build on or upper the lane.
I know you started below the lane, but since zeus has longer range and 2nd zeus was on line, 3rd zeus was about line.

Futhermore, the most important thing is you started to build zeus after you knew the fact that Achillesgr is dead.
( starting building at lvl 8, so far I see )

The more problem could be after lvl 10, you pulled 11,13.
It was very obvious that you will have big chance, honestly for me it was sure about the you will pull again & again.
As a result, you pulled 14,17,18 again.
And you had chance to sell towers if this thing was going to happen again & again. pulling 6 rounds is not accident.

We were usually giving warnings to players who broke the building rules, wasn't too harsh to them
But, we did give enough warnings and the fact I think artmas is good enough to calculate that he will gonna pull Achillesgr's lane if he build zeus at that position.
Whatever, pulled ally's reason from lvl 9 to 18 is not accident.

Please do not sell your tower(raider 90 gold) after lvl 11 when you enter lvl 12.
You already dead from lvl 3 and seems like to go suicide.
I saw you built nightmare at lvl 11,
and sold raider to push lumberjack further lumberjack before lvl12.
It's okay to go suicide income when you got shitty towers. However, do not sell towers after suicide.
I think you know enough about new building rule update.
I recommend to keep that, since next time would not be warning.


Re: Report Pull

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:48 am
by Diablo_ ... 42#p207542

From now on the "standard" ban length for pulling will be 2 days for all players (unless it couldn't be expected to pull the way you built).