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Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:00 pm
by archol
Which were the funniest moments for you in LIHL (chat/ingame)? - links and screenshots are appreciated

1) Winning several games with -150 x 2 and -100 score at 2v2 with trancedout

2) Winning a (nearly) impossible game against 4 archers (?) and won on 24 (or was it 23?) somehow due a miracle with our crap roll (me and madridista were telling tales about this game at that time)

3) Losing on 11 against patarsinky at 2v2

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:21 pm
by Krumme
When enemy team used a heal on lvl 4 or when we lost on lvl 22 or when goats beat us on a lvl 30 send when they clearly would have lost on lvl 31+
Basically the more rage = the more fun imo. :D

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:40 pm
by godlik3
i lost a game on lvl 1 already on lihl

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:10 pm
by GoatsBeGone
I must admit the most ive laughed was when we played 2v2 and we sent on lvl 9 vs fiji and krumme, and they paused the game before they died to ask for screen shot test :lol:
Also winning twice on lvl 30 is quiet fun. Sry Chris and Avitae, to bad u cant see the replay, they leaked 1 boss and 1 sharman, so as the boss is getting killed by the king, the sharman came from behind and buffed the boss, making it kill the king, Im sure without the sharman they would of survived

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:47 pm
by ArMeDaNdDeAdLy
1)when i skype with gog
2) me winning at lvl 1 ... 824039.w3g
3) When me and tastay made stathis rq out of a game

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:42 pm
by Krumme
lol @goatsbegone I remember why I hate you know <3 ;)

Remember observing a game in which Fiji had wolverines and crit demons and going mid critting even more thus them survivng (think this was lvl 17)
regardless it was a crit that won them the game basically

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:27 pm
by Hutzu
1) When on lvl 20 Beep was controlling King and he had last heal of his team. He correctly calculated that King will win, although just by less than a second. He leaves King to probably start lumberjack or so. King is about to deliver final attack, animation starts, animation almost done, then Fanatismo clicks on King. King stops animation, Turtle can now attack one more time and they die.

No 2) or 3) yet. At least none I can remember.

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 6:14 pm
by Diablo_
Me winning 1 vs 2 with mass Wolverines on level 31 at season 1 or 2.

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:07 pm
by SLSGuennter
1.) fiji in my team gets so mad, he kicks achill in 2v2 cause of getting outrolled over and over
2.) losing lvl 1 with godlike and ba
3.) gog teaching me: always go 3/0 minimum with ygg, if team dont feed u, flame them

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:32 am
by SooSooSquishy
Start of season 3 both teams decided to go all yolo and each side send wars lvl1. there were 100+ leaks each side. good laugh

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:00 pm
by archol
I remember some other games/moments but some might not be accurate

- Pata held 4 demons on 15 (?)
- Gog taking king to lose more heals than necessary
- First clog at lihl at 4v4 (me and pata were so shocked)
- Fiji from 600 elo back to top10 (?)
- Braveheart_wins (with achilles) 7/2 at level 2 at 2v2 against me (me and my teammate leaked huge on 1 + 2 rofl)

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:00 pm
by Krumme
Funniest ending to a game EVER
Psyclone 4400+ value on 15 east 0 heals with no hope and missing demon+kraken from bugatti they basically had given up
Yet they held and west all leaked and lost with 3 (or 4 heals) + immo

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:55 am
by Psyclone
That was one of the weirdest games during my entire LTD time

Re: Your 3 funniest moments in LIHL

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:47 am
by ZTX)Fiji
Thank you stathis for 16 elo))))

Wolke V1rus Fiji vs Achillesgr ba fail artmas

Arch ygg - sprite - grizz vs arch ygg - arch ygg - archer

east saved 7-14 with leaks every rround and only managed to balltickle the king

Hf watching