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LIHL mode

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:49 pm
by Qvist
I just saw in LIHL channel that people are annoyed by the fun week - Hybrid mode.
I think personally that -hpgm hybrid is fun but without a doubt it is 90% luck. The problem is that it's not really belong in LIHL or for that matter on 1100+ as YOLO / SUICIDE destroys everything in hybrid.

I remember a long time ago a thread about -hpgmcb vs -hpmmcb which was very interesting and shows how big the difference is in the actual gameplay is from then to now.

-hpmmcb was rejected because it certainly does not belong to suicide meta and is also relatively much about luck.

So I have tried to imagine how we can change LIHL gameplay because I do not think there is much skill in it more.
7-4 on 6 and you do not go wrong.

-apgmcb with merc :o ?
-hpgmcb no king upgrades pre level 10 :D ?

I really don't know but man .. Its hard to change this overpowered meta :D ... Pz7cO8-t9M

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:30 pm
by Diablo_
Imo Legion TD is simply an easy to abuse game and I doubt that any mode would be "more skilled" in the long run as people will just come up with new cheesy strategies.
The "normal" playstyle (holding all/most levels while incoming as much as possible) is gone since ages and no mode would change that I think. Sure new strategies are always cool but currently LTD simply feels "solved" and sadly even with a pretty unskilled way of playing :D

Regardless, in the long run only -hpgmcb is fun for me. Prophet just makes the most fun, it's pretty balanced by itself and has a big variation every game and well hpmmcb gets a bit stale/boring over time imo, probably because the playwise positive impacts are missing (you can only lose gold by playing bad, but you can't get any by playing good - no feed/king gold from leaks).

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:35 pm
by GoatsBeGone
No foggggggggggggggg

Its the only solution

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:09 pm
by Qvist
Well, I agree diablo. It is "solved" and i remember when YOLO started it was freaking fucking hilarious thanks to ztx)Fiji: "4 yolo full king end on 8" :D

It's exactly the problem with the King "bugged"

Full king before level 10, and you can not die. It makes no difference how much you leak when the king survives everything before level 10.

The king is OP pre 10!

I remember pubs too long ago, people died at 10 if leaked 6 bosses: D

Back to the topic, I do not think YOLO or for that matter income time is the problem, because you can still die 17/18/20 etc. even if you're ultra big and high income.

We should perhaps consider some rules for king Upgrades before level 10 because it simply causes clogg and suicide without penalty.

Consider this, a king can max have for example 10 hp 10 regen 5 attack pre level 10. Or something like that. We can always discuss the real numbers if you think the idea has potential.

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:14 pm
by Krayyzie
random mode could be a way to move the league towards a more interesting time, put up the 8-10 suggested modes, and get a bot randomly telling what mode to put at the start of game?

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:43 pm
by Krumme
I agree with Goats

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:08 pm
by yolostyle
Krayyzie wrote:random mode could be a way to move the league towards a more interesting time, put up the 8-10 suggested modes, and get a bot randomly telling what mode to put at the start of game?

that would be the best.

For my personal taste a week full hybrid or a week full hpmmcb is too much it gets boring.

If we could mix it up and get some random modes would be interesting!

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:04 pm
by Diablo_
Interesting for some ... boring and frustrating for many others. And we all know how annoying some people are if they don't like the mode (and pp in lobby + 500%)

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:12 pm
by Qvist
I know you all love this yolo/suicide gameplay (sometimes 1 holder)

But i think we should try my idea out atleast a few games? :)

(10 hp, 5 attack and 20 regen) Before level 10 -

10 hp is not bad and can still cover alot..
5 attack will not be good on level 10 but can ballance wave abit on level 8..
20 regen is fine since regen isnt really overpowered :D

Some can't imagine it, but i can promise you this, the gameplay will be more about skill and cordination of rolls.
Instead of this autorobot (ohh look i can push level 1-2-3-4-5-6 and i will be big after 10 since we all get 400 gold after level 10)

Will also prevent clogg 100 % before level 10 which i know a lot of players are against.

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:39 am
by BeepBoopBeep
Legion would be better if the map was updated and patched for all our problems. But it's not possible BibleThump :cry:

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:52 pm
by Qvist
The last couple of games i played has really been good games! Not really much clogg and no full suicides on either of the teams. I feel that the games has been alot better than they have been lately.. Maybe it is because i have been playing alot of 3s.

But we can close this thread, even though i think king retrictions pre 10 would be a cool idea.

Maybe another time..

Re: LIHL mode

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:34 pm
by Diablo_
Ok, archived :P