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LTD Tourney
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:42 pm
by Hutzu
Hey guys, as ENT will most-likely do some tourneys soon, I'd like to know from you guys what kinda mode you would prefer.
Since polls are now for lihl-members only, there wont be any manipulation from outside. 2on2 is set already as always.
Changing vote = enabled. 2 votes per user.
Re: LTD Tourney
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:25 pm
by Krumme
I don't like the options - as I've said before, and I'll say it again - the only REAL tourney mode is without fog
Re: LTD Tourney
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:56 pm
by MichaelSong
Although I think the best balanced mode for LTD 3.41 is -hpgmcb prophet, I would like to throw my vote to -sdgmcb. As long as I remember, last toruney was hybrid. Therefore, I want to exclude -hpgm hybrid in my choice. In my opinion, in -sdgmcb, we will face a lot of good&funny situations to play. I would like to explain my grounds for supporting -sdgmcb in more detail.
- When one team leak and show their towers in early of the game,the other team can predict the opponents' races by towers which are in mid, so can guess what towers they will build later on, and can plan to win game.
- It will be more interesting in the fact that Team can communicate and try to choose the races, so each player can defend teammates' weak round for each other.
- -sdgmcb got 6 votes which were processed by Hutzu's Fun-week poll, which means majority of LIHL players think it is worthy to play as fun-week.
- Tired of prophet!!!!!!
Re: LTD Tourney
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 5:28 pm
by Diablo_
hpgmcb Prophet #1
sdgmcb #2
Would love to see a Prophet tournament (last one was pretty long ago I think).
Re: LTD Tourney
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:25 am
by GoatsBeGone
Apgcb. Ban/draft. Rest is crap
Re: LTD Tourney
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:56 am
by pewpew lasergun
choice 1 : -hpmmcb
choice 2 : -hpgmcb
choice 3: hybrid
choice 4 : -argm ( no cb )
Re: LTD Tourney
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:44 am
by Krayyzie
I´ll do the same
Choice 1: -hpmmcb
Choice 2: -hpgm hyb
Choice 1: -sdmmcb
Choice 1: -armmcb
Re: LTD Tourney
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:39 pm
by nabo.
I propose:
1) draft: 2 2 ban, 2 2 pick.
Game mode will be apgmcb.
If you reroll in ap, you are given two builder choices.
If you reroll, cost will be 0/100 50/200 100/300, etc etc
If you reroll hybrid, your next rr will be 200/500, 300/500, etc etc
Merc and prophet are autobanned for obvious reasons. If you reroll one of these, you may not pick them and must pick the other choice. You may pick banned choices if you reroll them.
There is a total of 17 races that I know:
Beast, Mech, Nature, Shadow, Element, Ghost, Demi-Human, Marine, Prophet, Hybrid, Arctic, Goblin, Paladin, Elf, Orc, Undead, and Merc.
So, if 4 are banned and merc and prophet are autobanned, you have 11 choices to draft from.
2) hpgmcb
3) sdgmcb
hybrid is too random, I recieved feedback from last last tourney that random variable was too big and less skill was involved. argm/sdgm seem to be somewhat luck category also.
Our last tourney was a pre-roll system with roll dice and choices on chat.
Re: LTD Tourney
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:51 pm
by MarshMallows
HPLI pala
Re: LTD Tourney
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:57 pm
by archol
Apgcb with bans and drafts