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Unhosting to remake 4s

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:19 pm
by GoatsBeGone
So I was signed for a game, that got full, 3s, 6 people. we were exactly 12 people, Nore, Wolf, Goat, Cute, Artmas, Zealot, Spkj, Clear, 1006, 1007, Achilles, Pew. 12 people, Enough to fill 2x 3s, But no, one person dont join the 3s cause he wanna 4v4, few people insiting on unhost even though i repeatedly insist to get the game going, cause we were enough people to make 2 games, But people insist on unhost even the obs are asking for unhost clear is wispering me that im an idiot for starting 3s, at last i Bend over and let them fuck me in the ass, so they can unhost shit game and make a 4s, I sit in channel and try sign like a mad man but people act as they are on drugs to not miss a spot cause were are OBVIOSLY TO MANY FOR A 4S, the game gets started 2 people go obs, and there people are, after they were signed for 20 minutes, and because Im such a nice guy and since the obs are so keen on rehosting for a 4s EVEN THO WERE ARE OBVIOUSLY TO MANY PEOPLE FOR A 4S.. So tell me why, why do U guys not respect each other, and Do we really need this to happend when we are, and again I repeat myself enough to create 2 games, but that people wanna play with that person and so on and so on, but people like clear not to mention any names but since he bitched like a little girl in my ear, they just go !sign sigsbvu jkævdnsguodnsfoidj like a fucking mental case cause now we are to many to make the game, so instead of few seconds comunication in channel between 12 grown ups, and 2 mods, we could all enjoy the game instead, the next game people get left out, they have a negative attitude, they get mad at some one for something , and so on and so on, If you guys behave like this how do u expect people to respect u? I do not talk nicely, I do flame people if they fuck up, But I do always want the best for everybody and I do always try to make sure that everybody active gets a slot in a game, But if people start acting like this then it will snowball and everybody will shit on each other and in the end we will all be shitting on each and u can take this league and showe it up your ass, cause there will be no league, its a privelege that we get to play with the best players, why dont u treat it with respect and treat each other with respect? This is far from the first time it has happend that someone gets left out, but I dont understand why people find it nessesary

Re: Unhosting to remake 4s

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:42 pm
by MichaelSong
After reading this post, I do admit I share same point of view with Goats.
LIHL is very closed community compared to other section of ENT due to several reasons. And including general rule of LTD, LIHL has by far many rules compared to public games of LTD.(#Mega,#Mega Euro,#Mega 1100+)
But, beside the rules , Respect should be beneath the rule.
In my opinion, It is more required in LIHL compared to any other autohosted bot since it is competitive.
I do feel respect are slowly vanishing which could have possibilities to bring bad outcome on LIHL.

@Goatsbegone thanks for provoking people, but I think you should also keep your rage a bit down since regarding your post, you seems like mad a lot at this point.

Edit: There is Unhost Rule discussion about changing current unhost rule, suggested by Hutzu. I hope many LIHL players more express their opinions, since this thread is closely related to that one.

Re: Unhosting to remake 4s

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:43 pm
by clearfluids
Madrid, I wanted to go 2x 3s.. When we had the second 3s in channel no one was signing. People wanted 4s i think. I would rather have everyone play as well, rather than have people sitting out.

Re: Unhosting to remake 4s

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:34 pm
by IamZealot
well goats i support are right but i think the best you have to do when peoples dont respect you is to not respect them too....

Re: Unhosting to remake 4s

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:25 am
by pewpew lasergun
some players find refuge in 4s don't get upset, just refuse the unhost.
or play in the wee hours of the morning very calm atmosphere :p

Re: Unhosting to remake 4s

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:47 am
by archol
Of course some people hide at 4s, because its the easiest mode - you dont know how often i (i gave up to care about it anymore, but i still comment haha) and hbc got sniped (well hes raging about it all the time, thus he destroyed his last monitor), just because people want to play 4s instead of 2 x 3s or 1 x 3s and 1 x 2s

Re: Unhosting to remake 4s

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:05 pm
by Diablo_
More respect and more manners would always be good :)

If there's a risk to lose a spot you can always say no to unhosting and let the other players join + swap them in (that's usually the better option to prevent troubles).