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New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:54 am
by HealByColor
Nore knows how what I am talking about. Level 5 we send they leak 103 to king 0 heal pure clog... Level 6 another massive leak they leak so much that they can send 7 with wave. 0 send 8 they leak 70 to king 0 holder... A king leak level 9. Level 10 now we have a 2300 holder that doesn't hold because of the amount of wyvrens from previous clog we blow 4 heals and die ten with a maxed king... If not beta then idk what is. I refuse to play till this is fixed. ... 427437.w3g

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Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:00 am
by supersexyy
Fix it yourself, find a counter.

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:06 am
by HealByColor
It's against rules it's fixed so don't need counter read rules.

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:06 am
by elektro
if u look this replay u will see we had noone that could hold lvl 5, excepting purple with turrets but he went engineers. if they wouldnt streight 5 i think we could leak only about 70 80 to king, cause our units. red had wolves, he couldnt be holder, aqua neither from blue, i had lod egg and necro- my best build could have been 2 lod 1 necro- 130 gold, and that build cannot hold his lane with 1 bo 1 furb, so no point trying hold all lanes, purple had engineers with turrets, but he saw we had no holder for 5 at lvl 2 when it was too late to start trying to hold 5. so what do u think we could do ?? just ff option we dont had it. ent 18 and ent 31 has it.

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:14 am
by HealByColor
Turrets hold 0 excuse. You pushed because we made a good call... And had no counter other then clogging it's like being down 2 heals 17 and uk u die so u clog and send huge... U stole our win from us you and your team broke lihl rules 0 excuse

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:17 am
by Achillesgr6
healbycolor is right...we had aquas mortars and we should build all our gold and stay 1/0 and still leak 80-90 ( cause no matter how much value you build with mortars and aquas on 5.with straight save to 5 you willleak to king and if we survive lvl 5 cause we have wave ..then we could die on 7...thats the way he wanna play...of course we gonna push and up king i dont care if i leak 10 or 500 units..its not on purpose to break rules,its cause its they only way to survive ......we leak lvl 5 then we build lvl 6 why you didnt saw the replay before you post here..i build and i almost hold (4 leaks) with aquas..

p.s. that rule begun cause even if 1 team had all elite archers they sell units and they clog..THAT WAS THE CLOG not if you have mortars team didnt sell anything for lvl 4-5-6...and we build for 6

we jut broke your strategy to gg us on 7 and we turn that to our win


Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:34 am
by HealByColor
Do you honestly think you deserve that win? Your team purposely leaked and kinged most levels to send large 10. Pretty sure ur team had a Lod player and a turret player... But u can't hold 5 so u push and fuck it... It was so bad a player on your team says we clog provided in the picture I posted. Nore thinks was abuse also... Put the shoe on the other foot before you speak.

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:36 am
by HealByColor
How is it possible to end a game ten with maxed king and 4 heals and a 2300 lod holder without clog? Answer please

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:36 am
by Achillesgr6
if i had the turrets i could go for hold 5 and i stay many times 1-0 with harlots and they blame me also for that to hold lvl 5 straight send...1007 mix turret with mortars..he couldnt catch....and i dont care what 1 new player say..he dont know what is the real clog..he was on pub when we use to clog "REAL CLOG:

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:41 am
by Achillesgr6
HealByColor wrote:How is it possible to end a game ten with maxed king and 4 heals and a 2300 lod holder without clog? Answer please

i send 3k wood alone..i think its a record..

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:51 am
by tastay
don't think you should use words that most people will not understand like "beta"

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:53 am
by elektro
U can name it whatever u want, i put my leg in the other shoe and i would understand that we (west team) did what we had to do to win, or we could just stayed 1 0 all and try hold 5. you all got to admit that any rule has their exceptions. this game was 1 of those exceptions. if i were u i wouldnt blame :D

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:57 am
by elektro
I did clog strategy in 1 game backinadays, and i remember we all sold our units for 5 and 6. i also remember that u cannot use clog strategy vs immolation or with immolation skill at your team, thats retarded. and u had immo. u also didnt leaked lvl 5 cause no sends. and when we sent weak ( 1 furb 1 hermit each ) u cloged like hell at lvl 7. the rest is can can :)

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 3:00 am
by tastay
elektro wrote:I did clog strategy in 1 game backinadays, and i remember we all sold our units for 5 and 6. i also remember that u cannot use clog strategy vs immolation or with immolation skill at your team, thats retarded. and u had immo. u also didnt leaked lvl 5 cause no sends. and when we sent weak ( 1 furb 1 hermit each ) u cloged like hell at lvl 7. the rest is can can :)

that was lol

Re: New beta strat

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 3:11 am
by Qvist
well.. The things you are talking about is something players did for 1 year ago also, ever tried playing merc? It's precisely, how 4 merc players win games on 7. Leak 4-5-6 without build and then gg 7-

btw. elektro

some players can only play yolo/suicide not 1 game i have been in game with elektro where he is over 1000 value on 10, and not 1 game ive seen him hold mid.

On a side note I don't know how you can defend this achilles? Obvious you won this game by clogging? No matter if it was intentionally or not, you leaked 105 units on 5?