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New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:50 am
by GoatsBeGone
Im Addition to this thread by healbycolor i would just like to say the next time i see some one say "stay 1/0 with turrents to hold 5" I will make unvouch Thread, If u are so stupid that u think u have to stay 1/0 with turrents to hold 5, then you are no a lihl worthy player.
Straight safe to 5 non of me and ilocos stayed 1/0 we both held bo and bo/furb. So dont give me non of that shit, start playing the game instead of ruinign it and be a cry baby, U get good towers so take advantage of it, i dont understand why u wanna play every game this gay way

Achilles encourage to do the same clog, Micky even tried to do anything about it by building, But they still leak insane lvl 5,6,7,8,9, like 60 units on 9 without sends, 2 people, gj.

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:36 pm
by V1rus
Support that its time to do something about clog here in lihl too because its simple glitch abuse and takes skill out of the game. I vote for same clog rules in lihl as in 1100+/ or i am open to any other non abusable lihl specific option.

Gimme back building skills/holding waves with min val!

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:46 pm
by Diablo_
I agree :)
If you truely think that your only option vs a straight 5 send is to push so hard that you basically leak your whole wave you are silly. It's also sad how it's always the same players abusing clog mechanics/suicide pushing, imo this says a lot about their skills.

Anyway, got any suggestions? The 50% of recommended value rule doesn't help at all vs clogging imo. 400 value lvl 5, 1750 value lvl 15, 2250 value lvl 17 ... with those values you will clog hard ^^
And if we raise it to for example 75% of the recommended value it will "kill" many legit builds (600 value for lvl 5 needed, while many builds can hold with less value, 1350 value for lvl 10 is also too much with the yolo meta etc).

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:56 pm
by V1rus
50% pre 10, 75% post 12? :D

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:04 pm
by tastay
You had one BO send and barely held your lane with amazing focus

nothing to boast over

also 3s is not 4s

If that was a half decent send in 4s you wouldn't even hold your own lane let alone go to mid and hold everyone else's

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:19 pm
by GoatsBeGone
Ok moron. I was 6/1 i believe im not home i cant check. Locos were 5/1. How can u argue with something as stupid as focus. When we both hold? So if we had bad focus we would have lost the game right there. never have i seen so stupid an argument. How often does people mamage to send more then bo furb mby. How can u call it a weak send i could understand if people on avarge send 2-3 bos on 5 wontuld see ur point

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:21 pm
by Achillesgr6
tastay wrote:You had one BO send and barely held your lane with amazing focus

nothing to boast over

also 3s is not 4s

If that was a half decent send in 4s you wouldn't even hold your own lane let alone go to mid and hold everyone else's

they already know that..its not this the problem..

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:24 pm
by GoatsBeGone
Jesus christ most retarded post. If it was half decent send in 4s??? What are u even talking about . U kniw in 4s tgere are 4 people on each team???? U think jusy one more person make dverybody get morelumber?? Jesus what a stupid post. Without leaks on 2 of 4 lvs i bet it is mathmatical impossible to send more then 400 lumber. Unless u keak like an entire level

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:31 pm
by GoatsBeGone
but ok show me all these 4s where people semd 10 bos or i can just go lihl and watch any 4s??? Cause thats what u tell me

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:53 pm
by tastay
GoatsBeGone wrote:Jesus christ most retarded post. If it was half decent send in 4s??? What are u even talking about . U kniw in 4s tgere are 4 people on each team???? U think jusy one more person make dverybody get morelumber?? Jesus what a stupid post. Without leaks on 2 of 4 lvs i bet it is mathmatical impossible to send more then 400 lumber. Unless u keak like an entire level

I don't know why you are mad but let me try to explain it.

In 4s there is more clog due to the nature of the game. If people leak more on 1-3 there is a longer delay since more units go to mid and more time is required for the holder/king to kill the units. In 3s there is less time since there are less units.

People also push more since there is less of a burden on them to hold since sending units is more important than holding the lane.

All of that which leads to more sends being sent on 5. A half decent send would be 8 units so at least 1 bo + aura. Now imagine 2 BOs+Aura. You can see how it might get difficult for people to hold these sends without staying 1/0. Now I haven't watched that game but you just can't insult people for a choice they make in game.

In your game you barely hold your lane vs one BO and go mid just to die to the other units without the BO even getting there. That's the reason most people don't try to hold because BOs will just run and kill them and make their hold redundant. The superior choice most people see is to push and just up the king because the king can the units more efficiently.

Now for your rage? At least try to type in a manner befitting of the English language before butchering it so hard you end up insulting your English teacher more than the person you are trying to burn.

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 3:41 pm
by GoatsBeGone
Yes I agree sorry for my bad vocabulary and grammar when I type fast, but you seems to understand what I'm saying. Anyways now that school is over we can talk Legion TD. But the things u say Makes no sence, it will as much be determand by rolls how much you will send on 5, ofcause you can argue the chance of leak will be 33% higher with another 2 players in the game, but they dont play to . So more send that way, but its still a fucking stupid thing to say "push harder cause there are less burden on them" what is that? Serriously focus and burden? Jesus

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:07 pm
by archol
Its possible to stay low and still win instead of yolo - im sure 90% of the league wouldnt try to hold a straight 5 send with the towers i had this game and went straight yolo no matter what, but here u see a game where you dont have to yolo all the time even with our setup

2 aquas + 1 archer and me - i told archer to hold 7 too with wave and barely king upgrades (after they sent 5) and we won at 10

The reason i post this is because of zealot reaction in this game rofl - SOMETIMES U HAVE TO RISK AND DONT GO CHICKEN-MODE WITH OVERPUSHING and thus leads to clogging or leaking a lot

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:24 pm
by SLSGuennter
i 100% agree with diablo, that its very sad that the abusers of clogging and stuff are the same people most of the time ... there are a lot of players in top-10 which NEVER clog, so i dont understand why abusers go to say "there was no other way to do and to win" such damn often!
imo the mods should be a lot harder on judging this cases ...

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:56 pm
by archol
GoatsBeGone wrote:Im Addition to this thread by healbycolor i would just like to say the next time i see some one say "stay 1/0 with turrents to hold 5" I will make unvouch Thread, If u are so stupid that u think u have to stay 1/0 with turrents to hold 5, then you are no a lihl worthy player.
Straight safe to 5 non of me and ilocos stayed 1/0 we both held bo and bo/furb. So dont give me non of that shit, start playing the game instead of ruinign it and be a cry baby, U get good towers so take advantage of it, i dont understand why u wanna play every game this gay way

I dont understand what u mean with 1/0 with turrets to hold 5 rofl cause at this posted link there u see me (random towers) and reena (who leaked 29 units at level 1 without send the game before rofl) stayed low at 2s to hold 5 (each of us got 2 BLOODORCS!!!) + 7 and won 10 against archer and aqua, and i didnt even use shit wave or 1 heal

(01:03 / Allied) marshmallows: archol plays 1.6 legion and reena sucks

At another game i stayed 5/2 at arena and we won later rofl (against stupid gog), they even tried to clog when i was 5/2 rofl

(21:02 / Allied) GoG-MaGoG: 5-2?
(21:17 / Allied) he s retard
(22:01 / Allied) 0
(35:27 / Allied) GoG-MaGoG: clog?
(35:33 / Allied) yup

Some players have no clue how to play 2s and just push like they used to do at 4s, thus they avoid 2s or against me (like today) because you see their real skills - but dumbs up for reena (!!!), he even played 2s after the horror game with clearfluids (against me at 2s) unlike some other players, just hide at your 4s games

I really miss the skills and kindness of the past, problem is there are too many players who are bad and hateful, i dont care if they are bad and nice rofl, you all affected me with your behaviour (playing bad and get mad) and turned me into a part of an inhuman in lihl - i never was like that from season 1 to 3 rofl, i even protected gog at season 3 against you all and drahque till he got banned and many other players - but as most of you know i would ban half of the league if i would be mod due that rofl

Re: New Beta bla bla

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:35 pm
by MarshMallows
:D are you mad that I got you banned for 5 days cos you merc'd on 1100+ and wouldn't leave? Classy move <3