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Rule about clog

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:41 pm
by godlik3
There should be no rule against clog
1 - Clog is a easy strategie to counter.
2 - Even if all players have 5k value on 17, than can leak over 70 units if build retard
3 - All players, doesnt matter if u say u dont, clog at minimum once
3 - Some times u get outrolled or u get fucked on 1 2 or 3 and its hard to come back, than u just suicide income

Re: Rule about clog

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:57 pm
by Diablo_
I agree.
The anti clog rule doesn't prevent it good enough. Clogging simply can't be fully eliminated, it will always happen, no matter what rules we use. Currently there are just too many unfair cases, where people get screwed for playing fairly while others want to bend the rules as much as possible. I think dropping the rule so everyone plays on the same level would be better than the current situation. Those who absolutely don't want to see clogging happen can avoid 4vs4 games since it's mainly a problem there.

Re: Rule about clog

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:27 pm
by Krayyzie
King leak without any sends from enemy team on any level = forfeit...
Would be interesting to see what would change with that(I know it wont happen, but would be fun to see if people could handle that even) :P

Re: Rule about clog

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:19 pm
by Diablo_
rip yolo meta since lvl 7,8,10 ... :P
I've sadly not seen any proper rule suggestion so far, which would basically eliminate clogging while not heavily limitating the players' playstyle/freedom.

Re: Rule about clog

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:04 pm
by nabo.
supersexyy wrote:The problem is the 'rule' is so wish washy and subjective and a rule like that shouldn't exist in a top level league. The rule has definitely 'evolved' over time. Initially it was implemented to stop clogging in a race, now it is designed to stop gaining time. I could quote Diablo believing a team should not be banned as the clogging team didn't die on that level.
It is not the clogging rule people are angry at, it is the way in which punishments have been implemented. There may 'be no bias in the decision' but there is a subjective decision rule.

I suggest mods come up with a clear solution instead of implementing a half-thought semi 'solution' when it is clear even the mods aren't on the same page.

Here is supersexyy's quote which I think is a great comment.

Currently in pub, we have a "half value recommended" rule as a measure of standard or intention. So, if someone does not have a value close to half recommended value when a clog actually happens, he or she will be judged as "intentional" clogging. This rule does not work in lihl, I am aware of that, but I would like to point out that there should be some type of "measure" or "standard" of evaluation. Just having loosely stated rules with "that is clogging" or "I think that is intentional clogging" is creating a chaos because every case is based on subjective opinion and league players are not able to base on something to judge whether it is "intentional" or not.

Removing the clog rule completely is no good imo. If any clog is allowed, obviously... everyone in the league will decide to clog and every game have of the main attribute of a league is "competition" afterall. People will clog to win for their elo.

Either make a some % value condition for everyone to minimize cases of clog and as a standard of intention evaluation or make it so that two out of the four players (for 4v4); 1 out of 3 in 3v3; 1 out of 2 in 2v2... must have 80%+ value as must holders. Clogging is a strategy, but one based on exploitation of an outdated game.

Here is how we review pub clogging:
Nabo. wrote:Clogging usually happens when there are 50+ leaks. Due to too many leaks and clustered animation, units move slow or are hindered while running to king = glitch.

If your total value is not close to half of the recommended value and clogging happens, we will ban you for "underbuilding" and risking a clog from happening.

Do note that, clogging intentionally through team effort by underbuilding or staying low value while upping king with the objective to stall time and gain extreme amount of resources will be taken seriously since it is an unfair strategy based on exploitation.

I have messaged admins here: ... d-feedback
in hopes to get a copy of the map or get the 3.41 ltd map edited.

Re: Rule about clog

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:39 am
by Diablo_
Since removing the current anti clog rule is off the table for now (59% voted to keep it, again) and there still is no proper other suggestion this can be archived.