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why this behaviour?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:15 am
by elektro ... 23#p218323 dont disrespect me, i was educated and well mannered to u, do same please. Why close and u dont leave answer time ? U say i dont go normal yolo ? PLEASE DIABLO PUT HERE A REPLAY WHERE U YOLO PRISONERS SO I and ll players can see how u yolo prisoners.

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:32 am
by elektro is this normal yolo and mine isnt ? lets compare. U had 550 value for lvl 5 with aqua and leaked like hell vs heavy send ( 2 bo), i think i leaked smaller with my prisoners for 5 vs heavy send. LVL 6 u dont build althow u can hold easy 6 with 2 more aqua, d instead u choose to remain 550 value anD LEak like hell. My prisoners cant hold lvl 6. despite knowing that I AM BUILDING FOR LVL 6 A ICE TROLL BESIDES 2 prisoners and 1 maverick. for 7 u build 1 aqua, still u have 600 value, thats a bit low value for 7, but no worries, cause aqua so weak 7 so no point trying to hold. U can, ofcourse understand and apply this logic in your case, still u ban me for doing same with my prisoners. of course having aqua u hold lvl 8 with 850 value. u make 950 value for lvl 9 and u leak 20 and lets stop here, i see only 1 difference here. U leaked 5 6 7 and 9 lvl, u held lvl 8 because of aqua. I leaked 5 6 7 9 too, and i also leaked lvl 8 for not having aqua. FOR LVL 10 u dont build nothing, i build to dmg bosses. u had 930 value for lvl 10, and max 120 income( in fact, before building for arena, at arena u had 980 value and 7 6 with 95 income), i had 970 value ( i think) and 7 7 with 180 income. is this seem fair to you ? i found this game please tell me why i am unvouched and teal and green are vouched? since they too did anormal yolo like me ?? they both leaked hard lvl 5 vs no send, TEAL leaked 17 for lvl 6, green leaked 15 for lvl 6, I LEAKED 11 FOR LVL 6. they all leaked lvl 7, teal held lvl 8 cause he stayed 7 3 and 1000+ value, and of course no sends. green leaked hard lvl 8. also leaked about 20 for lvl 9. what i notice is they leaked a bit smaller ( teal ) and green leaked same as me. the difference is that i had 180 income and 970 value for lvl 10, and they had about 100 income, 7 4 with 110 income (teal) and green 1200 value, 7 4 and 135 income. so between us 3, i got banned for playing smarter ( pushing lumber when i got holder) instead of making dead value ( dead value is when u build and that build dont help u to kill more than 3 4 creeps next lvl than if u dont build at all ), having 180 income when lvl 10 ends, and huge comeback later in game ???

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:09 am
by elektro
Please enlight me how i should yolo prisoners cause i really dont know how i should yolo better than i did..

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:11 am
by Krumme
It's really easy to hold lvl 6 with prisoners.......

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:45 am
by elektro
Then u go for hold man, i prefer to push 1 more lumber instead of killing 11 more units and thats because 6 fed our holder. besides if its easy to hold 6 with prison, its even easier to hold 6 with aqua, still all players prefers to push, diablo_ included. so if u want hold 6 with prisoners instead of pushing and feeding your holder, i sugest u to expand your view.
EDIT: decent player knows prisoners are one of best unit for yolo, so dont ask me go for hold, i doubt u can yolo any unit, no matter how shitty is it, better than me.

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:47 am
by Qvist
elektro show me a replay where you kill all 3 bosses on 10 and show me a replay where you hold 15 demon kraken, and i will be quiet from now on.

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:51 am
by elektro
donbola, u are too dum to even answer u, but since i did it, go play cricket with dong thai and marsh.

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:05 am
by tastay
So people are getting banned for pushing now? lol

what a joke

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:10 am
by elektro
i pushed too hard man, i had 180 income at lvl 10 with awesome yolo unit, i got huge income, i got banned cause its impossible for normal players to have that ammout of income at lvl 10. so something is wrong. although they dont know where i was wrong, insead of learning they ban me.

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:13 am
by elektro
Watched the game again to specifically watch you and I got nothing more to say. You don't just go "normal yolo" you just pushed as much as possible after level 6 with still 625 value at lvl 9.You leaked huge every single level after 4.

--->this is the real joke.

Re: Rule about clog

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:56 am
by tastay
This is becoming a big joke on your part now Diablo_ + friends

You are just changing and bending rules willy nilly so you and your friends can play legion td the way you think it should be played.

In that game they had 1 holder + 3 incomers and you want them to change the way they play because they leak a lot

Do you want everyone to be 4/1 on 5 and just try to hold at the detriment of winning the game?

At this rate we should just ban units like engineer because they are useless and can't hold level 5 and pushing 7/3 will get you banned anyways.

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:28 pm
by V1rus
if you wanna be taken seriously (by mods or anybody) I advice you to change the topic of this post @elektro

Re: wtf diablo ??

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:34 pm
by MarshMallows
Stop personal attacks also, no one can take you seriously, especially since a large part of your argument is that people wont answer you when you clearly wont answer us and post replays where you hold 10 or 15.

Re: why this behaviour?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:29 pm
by eldryan
to be honest, the rule about clogging just isn't feasible - for the same reason clogging for the win was decided by all the moderators at the time (all the active ones at least) untouchable. learn to win without using it, and it'll go the same way that did.

the only way to fix this is to get a new map that stops unit collision from units after all of one lane's value are destroyed, or to make a LAN server with no lag.

Re: why this behaviour?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:50 pm
by Diablo_
So what is this thread about?
Where exactly did I treat you without respect?
Why do you lie about the aqua play from me you linked to? I was 600 value on level 5, same for level 6, 650 on level 7, 900 on level 8 and 980 value on level 9. Where other than in your own little world is that remotely similar to your game? Besides that, where did we clog? Our biggest leak was 50 units on level 7.
If you already want to slander me then do it without lying and with using your head.