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reporting the moderator who continuously removes my posts

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:46 pm
by Psyclone

Someone is continuously removing my posts for no apparent reason. I'd like somebody to have a look at it. Thanks.

Re: reporting the moderator who continuously removes my posts

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:51 pm
by Psyclone
Seems like the committer is found. He should be taught the very basic principles of modern democracy.

Re: reporting the moderator who continuously removes my posts

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:07 pm
by elektro
i really think that should be at least warned. no respect for players from this mod. since i cant see the mod´´s name i cant name anyone.

Re: reporting the moderator who continuously removes my posts

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:11 pm
by Psyclone
True, forgot to add it in the screenshot.

Re: reporting the moderator who continuously removes my posts

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:32 pm
by elektro
I respect everybody, and even if we disagree un 1 matter, that doesnt mean i take it personally or i consider anybody my enemy. but since we consider ourself democratic people, we should let any member to tell us their opinion, not just to close 1 topic cause we consider its enouh. that attidude rules islamic world, since they kill everybody that disagrees them (here we just delete posts or archieving them ).
I even respect dongthai, donbola or marshmallows as person. but i totally disrespect them regarding ltd, they have no skill at all imo, and if they have decent judgement, they should be aware of their poor skill, and stop posting idiot staffs, with no arguments, or bringing other matters in totally different topic ( marsh ask me to show 1 game where i held lvl 10 or 15, in a topic i made for being banned for yoloing good).

Re: reporting the moderator who continuously removes my posts

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:05 pm
by aRt)Y
It isnt the first time I've noticed you while reading posts in lihl. You are standing out by spamming question marks, exclamation marks or writing in all caps.

elektro wrote:I even respect dongthai, donbola or marshmallows as person. but i totally disrespect them regarding ltd, they have no skill at all imo,
You either respect someone or you dont. You can't make your mind up and what you are trying to say in a somewhat polite way fails.

elektro wrote:Marsh if u think 900 value for 10 and 200 income is suicide income go play cricket man, and dont interfere here, its not your business.
elektro wrote:but since we consider ourself democratic people, we should let any member to tell us their opinion
I could go on and on outlining your contradictions of yourself and your misbehavior; but I wont.

Voicing your opinion is perfectly fine in a mannered way. That means you dont caps or spam unless you wanna convince us you are a kiddo and arent capable of having a normal discussion. We arent dumb and can read just fine.

elektro wrote:donbola, u are too dum to even answer u, but since i did it, go play cricket with dong thai and marsh.
Do you even read your own posts time to time?

Removed Post wrote:Re: Unfair Ban ?
Postby elektro » Today / 21 March, 2015, 4:54:am

Deleted post:

u win ? u ever won a game ? u just follow orders from the players with brain, you seems to mee like a good pet.
EDIt. i hope krumme gets a shower, since u licked his ass once again.
Deleted by Diablo_ on March 21st, 2015 / 21 March, 2015, 10:43:am
Reason: spam
Should I really comment on why moderators are supposed to delete this?

Same for:
Removed Post wrote:Re: Unfair Ban ?
Postby Qvist » Today / 21 March, 2015, 4:58:am

Deleted post:

sorry elektro- just realized you must be a kid
Deleted by Diablo_ on March 21st, 2015 / 21 March, 2015, 10:44:am
Reason: followup

TL;DR; LIHL moderators are having a hard time. They not only get shit in their face from the community 24/7 but are busy having to deal with greens and me who have since a long time taking actions and interfered - but things wont change from one day to another, it needs some time.

Your complaint is invalid. Go fix your forum attitude and the way you express yourself and your posts wont be removed.