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since the forum is locked cont.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:02 am
by eldryan
@Matdas Literally 75% of these games don't go 5 minutes without drawing. That's not even a dodge penalty... which is the only current penalty for intentionally wasting time.
In my last 8 LIHL games, I have not had a game worthy of a dc penalty. Not really sure why more then a dc penalty would be posted.

In regards to Matdas post:
How did I lag out in these games? Your post is wrong, and you should actually review before posting these replays if you lock the topic. I won the game. We drew so we could remake (not lag) No replay file, as 10 seconds is before game mode is chosen personal debate we draw for remake (not lag) said beforehand there would be lag...and was right so we drew. Sony was kicked by vote before I left (not lag)

Out of these 40 games, 8 are actually fitting the critiera for just a dc penalty (more then 2 minute game and a lag related drop)- yes, it's a high rate, but worthy of anything more then a dc penalty? Get off your one-track mind and look at your comment. Of those 8, far fewer actually went past level 5, and would never be actually considered for a dc penalty.

When posting in a topic that is not only illegitimate but so overly dramatic, I would recommend proof reading your post, as I don't want to go through 17 different replay chats refuting every one of your links that you didn't check (but half of which are obviously not dc).

Having de-facto moderating decisions without any basis in fact is just ridiculous. "You are laggy, so we are unvouching you." That is what this post is? What kind of decision-making basis are you using? Here I thought the entire goal of admins was to create objective standards, not surprise the users with decisions without any rules at all.

Re: since the forum is locked cont.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:48 am
by SLSGuennter
goddamn @eldryan ... pm the mods and stop spamming the forums!

Do not spam on the forum or you will receive a warning and/or ban.
since the forum is locked cont.

If the topic is locked, then its due to the reason they dont want to see more posts about it here!!! (at least not at this moment)
They wont have any problem if you pm them though.