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What is clog!
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:59 pm
by godlik3
I am one of those who invented clog on season 3!with fiji ba etc...
The clog on 5 7 8 can avoid heals? Yes! But thats not why people get mad!
Players get mad when they lose on 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 because of clog!
What is clog? Clog is simple! You dont need to delay your lane with small units, or have 0 value! Clog is used and easy do identify!
It is used most times when a team have no heals and cant kill the other team with more heals! Its used when the team with 0 heals can hold certain waves before they send! What they do? They dont need to push a lot! For example, they can be 7/6 7/7 and send double demon and kraken lock on 17 knowing the other team is fat but they will leak only sends!So they team that wants to clog build shit units for hold 15 16 for example and with good value they leak over 50 60 70 units to king and win the game! thats what clog is!
Since we gonna have a clog rule
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:03 pm
by godlik3
For mods definition clog is stuck units.
So if clog will be banned, big mass on 26 27 28 29 and 31 should also be banned!
Simple, because when u mass a lot you are CLOGING the units to make they go slow and split the other team units!
So i guess that strategie can aslo be considered clog!
But if u get outrolled will be impossible to win a 31 game!
What we do? =)
Re: What is clog!
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:10 pm
by aRt)Y
There is no need to create two topics about the same issue.
Did you read nabo's post ( ... 99#p228192) for clarification?
Re: What is clog!
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:54 am
by pewpew lasergun
As mentioned, the reform stuff will take effect starting next season. But, sure I can use this as an example if that is what you want.
1) lvl 7: fugitoid was 420 value with meatwagons = below 600 half recommended value = penalty.
2) lvl 8: wolf was 695 value with nightmares= below 725 half recommended value = penalty.
3) lvl 7 (100 leaks, strong clogged), lvl 8 (71 leaks, medium clogged) = two consecutive clogs = scourge must !ff.
4) lvl 9: wolf and fugi both under half recommended, clog present (65 leaks) = penalty.
None should be able to argue me that there was "no" clog at lvl 7 8 9. You all know what a clog is...just like you all know what a juggling is from your game experiences.
Reform decision:
If only 1) happened, fugi would be the only one who would get penalized for evidently underbuilding too much.
If 1) 2) happened, scourge team has to !ff, no further penalty points are needed.
If 1) 2) happened, scourge team has to !ff, no further penalty points are needed.
does this mean a team has to !FF if 2 players are below half the recommended value ?
he clog voting was as controversial as any other clog discussion topic. The staff voted internally before the survey and with the survey having a tie of 23.5% for option 1 & 3, we have decided to implement rule 3 (!ff) as our official rule:
Value has to be above half of the recommended value
There cannot be two consecutive clogs happening (clog defined by general definition). If so, team must !ff.
because under the red reform post it states that !ff is needed if any 1 player is below half the recommended value. unless i interpret it wrong.
so is it 1 player below value = !ff or 2 players below value = !FF ???
and how would the other team know about values and request a !ff
I am a fun of -hpmmcb which rewards no gold from leaks,
therefore i like these new rules, but it seems a bit unclear and very subjective.
for example round 8, 71 leaks i consider that a huge leak not medium like nabo says.
Re: What is clog!
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:37 pm
by nabo.
Split is based on positioning and range of towers. Wonder why crossers build blockers at lvl 10 and 11.
Is lvl 26+ mass sending a problem that is unavoidable or uncounterable or an unfair advantage/strat?
Sending mass and clustering units at spawn point does not go by our general clog definition.
We are going to enforce two cases related to clogging:
1) when a player undervalues.
2) when a team clogs consecutively.
We have already accepted that eliminating clogging all together is not favourable. We will only ban certain scenarios and try to minimize clogging effects from now on.
If you are not going to suggest an alternative to something we got, you are wasting my time.
Re: What is clog!
Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 10:09 pm
by nabo.
Why didnt green clear most of his wave at lvl 7 with morts and egg?
4 egg + 7-8 (cant remember) clear all if not most lvl 7 with wyvern sends from what I recall.
Is it optimal for pink to be 800ish value at lvl 8?
Re: What is clog!
Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 10:46 pm
by Diablo_
Sorry that I'll be the bad man once again, but it simply was so damn obvious that this rule won't work.
It's fairly easy, either you come with a "black and white" rule as there currently is, but then follow it and don't come with silly excuses again aka "but we didn't want to clog" or "we couldn't do anything else" etc etc.
Or you come with a not black and white rule like we previously had and then you can judge case by case and value whether a team did it on purpose, if they had other options, if they took big advantage of it and so on. But don't act like we would have a clear rule if it then isn't executed anyway.
Even if you now add the recommended value part to the 2 consecutive clogs part it just shifts the problem a bit and it still is a horribly flawed rule (in fact it would easily allow hard clogging)
Re: What is clog!
Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 10:58 pm
by Qvist
The solution is to allow antistucks so it will BECOME usefull for some unit to overbuild! (when it was allowed on 1100+ I could become a monster with being 1100 value on 6/9/10 = no CLOGgg
On a side note dark green area shouldn't be bannable either, it's a bad rule.
2 things which could be implemented and you will reduce clogg stategies with 90 % (only case would be if 4 players roll archer/auqa/mortars)
Re: What is clog!
Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:10 am
by nabo.
greatbeyond wrote:If Wolke were to play it differently, it would not be optimal. Towers like mortar are generally played even harder in yolo(as Wolke mentioned in the game, he had 240 value at 6 in a game the other day apparently, and won). We played more of a building role for mortar than most would, and won on 14 in a pretty clean way imo.
Staying 240 value with mortars at lvl 6 is optimal building aka best strat? How so? What is wrong with holding 1 2 3 4 6 7 with the towers he got while being able to yolo better than most other towers? All he had to do was stay 7/3 instead of 7/4 at lvl 7 and push again afterwards.
I do not like adding the recommended value to the !ff. Players can still clog with half recommended value.
What if we were to include that 60% leaks or 75+ leaks = bannable clog.
So, that will be 86 leaks at lvl 5, 86 at lvl 6, 72 at lvl 7, 86 at lvl 8, 108 at lvl 9.
So in the mentioned game, there was 75 leaks at lvl 7 and 61 leaks at lvl 8 = only lvl 7 clog was bannable.
Re: What is clog!
Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:30 am
by Wolke
Good morning from here
@all.First about the 240 value game. I don´t remeber my roll exactly, but my usefull unit´s were 3 sprites from the 1th roll and bottom feeder from the 2nd. In order to hold wave 5 and 6, which means for me "normal" yolo i had to overbuild rly huge and will end with low value/inc at 10, also i am not able to do good support for my team with my lumber. So in that case i decide to build bottom until wave 4, then sell them and go 7/5 during wave 5. After that i start recovery. I told my team so and from the unit´s i saw everybody could hold the other lvl to avoid clog. So what is wrong with playing with rly rly rly bad units supporting my team and recover at 10, it´s simply a different way to play and in my opinion the only my to not teamkill.
2nd game: rly konservative Scientist Yolo, normaly i wouldn´t even stay 7/5 and go 7/6 pre 8. It´s simply the strongest way to yolo scientist if you push every time you can and don´t care about leaks, so if you want to ban them it´s fine, but making rules how to play unit´s it ridiculous. If you want to overbuild and try to hold with scientist feal free to do so i will never do, even if a rules said you need xy value
Re: What is clog!
Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 4:16 pm
by nabo.
Wolke wrote:Good morning from here
@all.First about the 240 value game. I don´t remeber my roll exactly, but my usefull unit´s were 3 sprites from the 1th roll and bottom feeder from the 2nd. In order to hold wave 5 and 6, which means for me "normal" yolo i had to overbuild rly huge and will end with low value/inc at 10, also i am not able to do good support for my team with my lumber. So in that case i decide to build bottom until wave 4, then sell them and go 7/5 during wave 5. After that i start recovery. I told my team so and from the unit´s i saw everybody could hold the other lvl to avoid clog. So what is wrong with playing with rly rly rly bad units supporting my team and recover at 10, it´s simply a different way to play and in my opinion the only my to not teamkill.
If you are 240 value with w/e towers and suicide yolo and the rest of your team builds more to prevent clog, perfectly fine play by the rules. Got the replay?
Wolke wrote:2nd game: rly konservative Scientist Yolo, normaly i wouldn´t even stay 7/5 and go 7/6 pre 8. It´s simply the strongest way to yolo scientist if you push every time you can and don´t care about leaks, so if you want to ban them it´s fine, but making rules how to play unit´s it ridiculous. If you want to overbuild and try to hold with scientist feal free to do so i will never do, even if a rules said you need xy value
Still havent answered me why you cant go 7/3 at 7 instead of 7/4 with scientist and eggs, hold most of it, then push 7/5 by 8.
Edit: Archived. making new topic.