Changes to the LIHL Reform based on Community Feedback
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:14 pm
Updated LIHL Reform
Thank you very much to all who have commented and gave feedback. The former reform draft can be found here.
Table of Contents
1. Clog
General clog definition: When a team leaks too much at similar interval, creeps and sends get clogged up at dark green area, animation clusters, and units move slower than their normal pace being hindered while running to king.
There's currently a new staff discussion about the clog rule. Depending on the outcome, a rule update might be released on this or next Saturday.
2. Postponed ELO Score (PES)
Due to the discussions about ELO manipulation, the "true" or ranked ELO and all the controversies about ELO as punishment, we've decided to entirely remove ELO as punishment. Disconnects will no longer be penalized with ELO nor will anyone gain any +ELO from it. The only ELO you will gain in this league will be from won/lost games. Obviously, this means we will entirely drop the PES idea.
3. Vouch Request Procedure (VPR)
We decided to make the following changes to give league members' votes more power.
4. Penalty Points System (PPS)
The disconnection penalty is currently still subject to discussion among staff. Depending on the outcome, a points update might be released on this or next Saturday.
5. Rule Updates
We've scaled down the minimum of vetoes to 1 for any game format. However, the observer spot may not be denied to moderators or players who were not yet vouched before. That way we ensure moderators can do their duty (e.g. ss-tests) and new players are given the chance to observe the minimum amount of games to apply.
6. Miscellaneous
Information about the systems, vouch format and other things will be posted as sticky/links on the forum as requested per survey; this will begin today so all the info is available till Friday.
Thank you very much to all who have commented and gave feedback. The former reform draft can be found here.
Table of Contents
- Clog
- Postponed ELO Score (PES)
- Vouch Request Procedure (VRP)
- Penalty Points System (PPS)
- Rule Updates
- Miscellaneous
1. Clog
General clog definition: When a team leaks too much at similar interval, creeps and sends get clogged up at dark green area, animation clusters, and units move slower than their normal pace being hindered while running to king.
- Value has to be close to half recommended value (+/- 50 val)
- There cannot be two consecutive clogs happening (clog defined by general definition). If so, team must !ff.
There's currently a new staff discussion about the clog rule. Depending on the outcome, a rule update might be released on this or next Saturday.
2. Postponed ELO Score (PES)
Due to the discussions about ELO manipulation, the "true" or ranked ELO and all the controversies about ELO as punishment, we've decided to entirely remove ELO as punishment. Disconnects will no longer be penalized with ELO nor will anyone gain any +ELO from it. The only ELO you will gain in this league will be from won/lost games. Obviously, this means we will entirely drop the PES idea.
3. Vouch Request Procedure (VPR)
We decided to make the following changes to give league members' votes more power.
- Vouch requests can be approved if either a moderator approves it or 5 vouched members vouch for the applicant.
- Vouch requests can be denied if either a moderator denies it or 5 vouched members disagree with a proven legitimate reason.
- 3 days is the minimum window for an application to stay open. The moderator may not approve or deny before, allowing players to review the request and to comment on it.
4. Penalty Points System (PPS)
- The first week of the next season (e.g. 9) to get your points reset has been removed.
- In the last two weeks (e.g. of season 8), the points will count to your current season points and the next season’s points. For example, if your season 8 points are currently 4 and you violate a rule worth of 3 points, your season 8 points will increase to 7 and you will start season 9 with 3 points instead of 0.
- Once you reach a certain amount of points, you will be unvouched for a certain amount of time:
- 2 points = 1.5 days
- 4 points = 4 days
- 6 points = 5 days
- 8 points = 6 days
- 10 points = season unvouch
The disconnection penalty is currently still subject to discussion among staff. Depending on the outcome, a points update might be released on this or next Saturday.
5. Rule Updates
We've scaled down the minimum of vetoes to 1 for any game format. However, the observer spot may not be denied to moderators or players who were not yet vouched before. That way we ensure moderators can do their duty (e.g. ss-tests) and new players are given the chance to observe the minimum amount of games to apply.
6. Miscellaneous
Information about the systems, vouch format and other things will be posted as sticky/links on the forum as requested per survey; this will begin today so all the info is available till Friday.