Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:37 pm
-Semi good bad ideas are not satisfying + I cannot continue seeing players crying 24/7.
-Black and white rules preventing clog all together is stupid since clearly clog is part of the game now.
-There is a conflict between "optimal" strat vs "stalling" game too long. Some players seem to push when they should be semi holding with the excuse "I need to recover" or "it is more optimal", but fact is with certain decent towers you should be holding more.
-Clogging is a resultant of your building ways, but there are certain scenarios which I think all of you would agree should be bannable.
-General clog definition: When a team leaks too much at similar interval, creeps and sends get clogged up at dark green area, animation clusters, and units move slower than their normal pace being hindered while running to king (approximately 60% leak without send).
I have watched enough replays and talked to enough lihl players to brainstorm:
1) lvl 5-6 clogging to send mass wyvern lvl 7:
Done by undervaluing and selling value to leak. Could naturally leak lvl 5, but all if not all towers should hold most lvl 6, so there should be no way to clog this lvl.
Solution: This wont happen unless players undervalue on purpose and refuse to build to clog. Those who do will be penalized for underbuilding and using a bannable strategy delaying the game needlessly.
2) lvl 7 clogging:
This usually cannot be avoidable since a lot of towers tend to leak lvl 7 with sends. + king usually can withstand lvl 7 clog if maxed + w/e skill he has.
Solution: Accept that there will be clogging at lvl 7 since it is unavoidable due to how players build to optimize income and lumber.
3) lvl 8-9 clogging to send mass wyvern lvl 10:
lvl 8 clog is the problem since players max hp and regen and 1-3 hit lvl 8 creeps STALLING too long.
lvl 9 ....honestly all towers can hold lvl 9 with ok value. So, I should not be seeing clogs at this level.
I get that there are towers that leak 8 and your team may leak, but should not be leaking over 50-60 at lvl 8. + If you dont suicide push at 8...should be fine holding lvl 9 with w/e tower.
lvl 8: if a team leaks 50+ = Those who chose to push instead of value will receive penalty.
lvl 9: if a team leaks 30+ = Those who chose to push instead of value will receive penalty.
4) lvl 12-16 clogging:
Not sure whether I should care about these levels.
5) lvl 17 clogging by building delays:
Players build "null" values simply to delay leaking instead of building more attack towers or mass tanking towers.
Building "null" values or delays will be penalized. (split towers will not be considered as a null value and therefore are an exception).
Any other? Let me know now.
Note, this topic is only for discussion for reference for myself and others. I will edit the topic as I hear ppl's opinion.
My best bet would be on a new map: ... dback#4236
-Black and white rules preventing clog all together is stupid since clearly clog is part of the game now.
-There is a conflict between "optimal" strat vs "stalling" game too long. Some players seem to push when they should be semi holding with the excuse "I need to recover" or "it is more optimal", but fact is with certain decent towers you should be holding more.
-Clogging is a resultant of your building ways, but there are certain scenarios which I think all of you would agree should be bannable.
-General clog definition: When a team leaks too much at similar interval, creeps and sends get clogged up at dark green area, animation clusters, and units move slower than their normal pace being hindered while running to king (approximately 60% leak without send).
I have watched enough replays and talked to enough lihl players to brainstorm:
1) lvl 5-6 clogging to send mass wyvern lvl 7:
Done by undervaluing and selling value to leak. Could naturally leak lvl 5, but all if not all towers should hold most lvl 6, so there should be no way to clog this lvl.
Solution: This wont happen unless players undervalue on purpose and refuse to build to clog. Those who do will be penalized for underbuilding and using a bannable strategy delaying the game needlessly.
2) lvl 7 clogging:
This usually cannot be avoidable since a lot of towers tend to leak lvl 7 with sends. + king usually can withstand lvl 7 clog if maxed + w/e skill he has.
Solution: Accept that there will be clogging at lvl 7 since it is unavoidable due to how players build to optimize income and lumber.
3) lvl 8-9 clogging to send mass wyvern lvl 10:
lvl 8 clog is the problem since players max hp and regen and 1-3 hit lvl 8 creeps STALLING too long.
lvl 9 ....honestly all towers can hold lvl 9 with ok value. So, I should not be seeing clogs at this level.
I get that there are towers that leak 8 and your team may leak, but should not be leaking over 50-60 at lvl 8. + If you dont suicide push at 8...should be fine holding lvl 9 with w/e tower.
lvl 8: if a team leaks 50+ = Those who chose to push instead of value will receive penalty.
lvl 9: if a team leaks 30+ = Those who chose to push instead of value will receive penalty.
4) lvl 12-16 clogging:
Not sure whether I should care about these levels.
5) lvl 17 clogging by building delays:
Players build "null" values simply to delay leaking instead of building more attack towers or mass tanking towers.
Building "null" values or delays will be penalized. (split towers will not be considered as a null value and therefore are an exception).
Any other? Let me know now.
Note, this topic is only for discussion for reference for myself and others. I will edit the topic as I hear ppl's opinion.
My best bet would be on a new map: ... dback#4236