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Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:02 am
by godlik3

Clearfluids started flame for no reason!!
I kicked him on loby for fun! ( i got kicked from my friends a lot of times, they troll and anyone knows its for fun )
Anyways, i didnt mute or kick him on game! It was on lobby and he did join the game after!
Ofc i should be banned if i kick or mute someone in game! But i did on lobby! It was a joke!
Armedandeadky has a problem with me, and idc! But this is not a reason to ban me!
Plz get a srsly reason to unvouch me or ban for some hours or days!
I dont see any reason i shoul get any penalty here!! Its is just hate from noob mods!
Btw, i didnt waste anyone time, clearfluids played the game and i didnt delay the start since we were waiting the 8th player
How can this be 2 points and a dodge/dc is 1 point?
Lol??i didnt do anything wrong
Plz red mods, review this!

, list of current games, and player statistics!
[clearfluids]: just dont give me glike plz
[clearfluids]: ty
[Don_Killuminati]: xD
[god.lik3]: !autostart 8
[god.lik3]: !autostart 8
[System]: Auto start has been enabled. The game will auto start when there are 8 players.
[Don_Killuminati]: omg 2greeks together
[Don_Killuminati]: orgi on east
[god.lik3]: !kick clear

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:08 am
by elektro
if u flame for fun get a life dude.. besides i saw u flamig hard some players on lobby for "poor play" when u are first one that 80%of games plays poor. I never thought about posting u because even if u are a noob player i didnt want u to get unvouched, until now. i will pay you with same coin from now so u have to be a saint if u wanna play on this league. hf.

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:11 am
by elektro
EDIT. Why do u kick an observer mode after 3 seconds of lagging, telling ironicly "i dont have time to wait a lagging observer" ?? a mod observes for more reasons, he is not there for fun. Maybe he wants to see if u are mh or not. SO WHY KICK ? thats an abuse so stop complaining about the unvouch and enjoy your 2 points. hope you get your 10 points soon enough.

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:12 am
by godlik3
Idc care what u think lol!
U are a noob and shoudlnt be vouched!
If u have any replays to post here and ask me for unvouch because i tk or noob play go ahead!
If not just stfu!
There is no rule saying i have to wait a observer mod lags!
And anyways, if i dont want a observer, i can just close 11 12 when the game starts!
But i am a reasonoble person, and even not likeing arme and nore i allow them to observe the game! Dunno wath r u taliking about

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:15 am
by elektro
so whats the point of this post then ? flame again as i see? or u justify your action "just for fun" without any request ?

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:17 am
by godlik3
My admin kick on lobby didnt affect the game!! He started flaming me for nothing!
I didnt say anything and he started flame! It was just for fun!
You are just mad because i reported u cuz of no heal and dodge game!
Grow up!

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:20 am
by elektro
I am not mad for that, i am waiting for a behaviour example from a poster who wants the greater good for this league and I DONT SEE IT AT ALL!
and stop complaining if u dont want revouch ! or tell what do u want to accomplish with this post ???

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:25 am
by godlik3
Lihl doenst need behaviour! It needs good players, something that u are not!
Anyways, i will let red mods decide this! Since both lihl mods have problems with me ofc they would like to ban me for some hours! But since i think i didnt break any rules, let them decide!
Elektro, if u have anything against me, i would like to say that idc! Ur opinion to me means nothing!!but if u think i dont play good enought to be on lihl, plz post replays, if not, again, stfu!

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:33 am
by elektro
please stop bringing my skill here, if we talking about skill u are far lower skill than i am, many players can aproove what i just said. Meanwhile i am tired of u. Hf.

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:35 am
by godlik3
Hahahhahahah so u think u r better than me????????looooooooooooooooooooooool
Ok man! U r better than me! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Plz tell me any pro player that thinks that?
Even eldryan that hates me woul laught at you right now. Hahahahahh

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:53 am
by godlik3
And btw, just to finish this,
If someone dc on 19 and waste 1 hour of 7 players time, he gets -1 ponit,
But if i kick someone on lobby and waste 15 seconds of 7 players ( what i didnt since we were missing the 8th player ) i get -2 points and 36 hours unvouch?
Omg, how this is fair lol?

@nabo plz review this ban, lihl mods arent fair on this!

Re: Bs unvouch

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 12:17 pm
by ArMeDaNdDeAdLy
Noone has a problem with you if u wanna report someone do it the normal way i wont say it a third time.Nabo was consulted for your punishment so dont bother.