- Updated drawing to what it was before.
- Disconnects are entirely removed from PPS and APRS. Disconnects are to be reported on the forum.
- Disconnects will from now on be administered via PES. That means, only negative ELO will be applied for the one who disconnected.
- We do differ between "minor" (casual disconnect & only elo punishment) and "major" (you report a player for frequently disconnecting; elo punishment & fixed unvouch).
- Major cases are based on the forum reports for that particular person prior to the major report. So if you've two minor reports, someone can post a major one for yet another disconnect of yours and you are subject to an unvouch.
- However, categorized as "major" are only cases with 3 disconnects in 7 days. Anything below will not be punished with unvouches.
- 0.5 days unvouch per report = 1.5 days if a major report is approved. This will most likely not scale and stays 1.5
- Currently logged disconnects will be overwritten with 0 points. We might still log them for statistical reasons.
- All current disconnects will be migrated to PES in the following hours and ELO is applied.
- The season will be ranked by the manipulated ELO at the end and not while its running.