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Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 11:39 am
by aRt)Y
A month of testing and exploring new ways is over. Failure is not bad but necessary to improve and find better ways. An inspiring talk from the Google I/O 2015.

  • Updated drawing to what it was before.
  • Disconnects are entirely removed from PPS and APRS. Disconnects are to be reported on the forum.
  • Disconnects will from now on be administered via PES. That means, only negative ELO will be applied for the one who disconnected.
  • We do differ between "minor" (casual disconnect & only elo punishment) and "major" (you report a player for frequently disconnecting; elo punishment & fixed unvouch).
  • Major cases are based on the forum reports for that particular person prior to the major report. So if you've two minor reports, someone can post a major one for yet another disconnect of yours and you are subject to an unvouch.
  • However, categorized as "major" are only cases with 3 disconnects in 7 days. Anything below will not be punished with unvouches.
  • 0.5 days unvouch per report = 1.5 days if a major report is approved. This will most likely not scale and stays 1.5
What that means
  • Currently logged disconnects will be overwritten with 0 points. We might still log them for statistical reasons.
  • All current disconnects will be migrated to PES in the following hours and ELO is applied.
  • The season will be ranked by the manipulated ELO at the end and not while its running.
As you might have noticed, the PES was something we had in mind at the very beginning but dropped it for the very same reasons we still think are valid. However, we also noticed PPS doesn't work well enough for disconnects, a rule violation with a high frequency. The described changes above are the result of the original PES, staff discussions, the DC topic discussion and a talk with a LIHL member - who I am glad, takes his time addressing issues directly in a private talk.