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kicking laggers

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:45 am
by eldryan
As it's always been a rule that you can't drop people who are lagging in LIHL, albeit one so obvious it didn't need explicit mentioning before this point within the rules as it's implied and enforced via "no kicking other players". However, apparently noob moderators to LIHL don't see this point as they've either never played in LIHL or believe I'm an exception to the rules (nabo. seemed to be confused as to the LIHL rules. as my first disconnect in several weeks: no, it wasn't a "major disconnect". it was just a "special case". please learn your own rules.)

Thus I vote: Make it against the rules to kick someone who can reconnect. No point to kick som1 who has lagged one minute just because your team is getting crushed with you about to lose, but you can make it a drawn game if your team drops them.

PS. Not sure how waiting 20 more seconds for a reconnect, to finish playing a game already 20 minutes in, is a "waste of time". Would rather be inclined to say dropping is "wasting" time of everyone...

Re: kicking laggers

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:10 am
by nabo.
Once you lag and others want you out, you out.

You seem very confused.

It is not like people are trying to kick you out the first time you lag out. I have said this many times: dont play if you are highly going to lag out.