archive continued
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:33 pm
A topic concerning all of LIHL shouldn't be handled via PM imo, @art)y
"The cases archive, just like the processed ban request section, is there to document cases and a user's history and to promote transparency." - this is why we have ban reports and dcs kept but not other materials. I guess transparency doesn't matter unless it has to do with moderators decisions?
a. Important replays and play suggestions are important to LIHL
b. In the forum players discuss LIHL in the interest of lihl. These discussions, regardless of result, are in the interest of LIHL.
Your argument is: ""History" doesnt mean anything and is no reason for not changing something."
This is obviously a double negative... yet you are using it to justify action?
Keeping all the topics everyone already had organized isn't a suggestion, rather telling you to stop with this deleting action. If you want to organize the archive, and make a "QQ/Drama" folder, people won't mind. Deleting the archive is just not a good addition.
"The cases archive, just like the processed ban request section, is there to document cases and a user's history and to promote transparency." - this is why we have ban reports and dcs kept but not other materials. I guess transparency doesn't matter unless it has to do with moderators decisions?
a. Important replays and play suggestions are important to LIHL
b. In the forum players discuss LIHL in the interest of lihl. These discussions, regardless of result, are in the interest of LIHL.
Your argument is: ""History" doesnt mean anything and is no reason for not changing something."
This is obviously a double negative... yet you are using it to justify action?
Keeping all the topics everyone already had organized isn't a suggestion, rather telling you to stop with this deleting action. If you want to organize the archive, and make a "QQ/Drama" folder, people won't mind. Deleting the archive is just not a good addition.