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Time to update the clog rule

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:59 am
by Diablo_

I have said it a few times already, but since we got some new mods now maybe it will work this time.

The current clog rule is just wrong atm. It says:
There cannot be two consecutive clogs happening (clog defined by general definition). If so, value has to be close to half recommended value (+/- 50 val), or that team must !ff.

Besides it being a silly rule (you can clog as hard as you want as long as you just have close to half recommended value), it isn't enforced the way it says for quite a time already. People have been banned even though they had more than half recommended value and people have not been banned when they were below half recommended value + clogged.
You should either enforce the rule the way it is (which would be bad) or you update the rule to how you actually handle such cases (pretty much: "do not clog")

Re: Time to update the clog rule

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:13 pm
by nabo.
I have talked to all the new mods (and expect more mods to join) before they decided to apply for lihl mod. With the new mods, I hope you guys will be able respect your mods more.

The current clog rule turned out useless as I expected. As you all know, there are different types of clogs. We kept on reducing the initial clog rule to something that did not ban most clog cases.
Already being discussed. But, I think the 3.41c map which is currently being hosted on ent31 has the potential to replace the original 3.41 map. It has been autohosted for a day now and I dont see much problems. I suggest we update to this map soon. Although Krayyzie's suggestion is somewhat of the clog rule which is closer to being black and white that I suggested in the past, I am not sure if people can fully adjust to this rule. As I said many times, new map is the best option. If not, we will go about making a new rule then.

There are still few more mods I would like to see join. I will wait until they apply and see what we should do.

lihl rules do need some update after reverting back (ex. in regards to dc penalty, etc), rules will be updated soon.

Re: Time to update the clog rule

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:30 pm
by Miyagi

Who are the few more mods you would like to see join LIHL?

The current roster, as we see


All mature, respectable and friendly players. I do not think we need anymore in the meantime, thus we only need for the new mods to settle in and to communicate with each other on how they can improve LIHL (Round Table Discussion). However this is not my decision to make.

Is there any quality in particular you are looking for to join the MOD Team? or are you just about willing to take on anybody that has support.

Re: Time to update the clog rule

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:37 pm
by nabo.
Half the people I talked to already applied. There are few more. They will apply soon I hope.

Mods should be respected by the community either because of their personality and/or experience within the league/passion for the league and/or skill.

Re: Time to update the clog rule

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:15 am
by HealByColor
its beep and brave