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Legion TD Mega 3.41d Trial

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:32 am
by nabo.
The map has been updated on the lihl bot.


Halibel wrote:
Legion TD 3.41c :

Unstuck gives message (detects abuse easier). The units "unstucked" does not mean they were necessarily stuck, but were valid targets:

All prophet mode (-ph) added:

New game-mode should be -phgmcb instead of -hpgmcb to skip host pick process:

Creep pathing down mid-lane changed to 2 lanes to slightly reduce clog from collision:

Creeps unstack (they re-gain collision) at the red line so the cluttering starts there, so clog is only reduced but still there.


Missed heal does auto-heal for half of the King's Max HP (in this scenario he has 5000), auto-heal has a cap of 5000 heal:

-With the new antistuck alert, it should be easier to catch players who abuse antistuck on creeps.
-There should be no more problems with clog. No more stalling time. Holders may have some difficulty, but I think meta can be adjusted. There may be some adjustments to help out holders on the next update.
-Skill requirement will probably shift from the current hard yolo+recover with high income to better building and knowing towers better.
-Misheal system like on brouder's map. Point to note is that game will not end after first or second or third misheal.

Credits to @Halibel

Hope most of you will like the map.

Re: Legion TD Mega 3.41d Trial

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:47 am
by pewpew lasergun
like it looks fine, but feel bad for broud3r map he spent so much time on it.

Re: Legion TD Mega 3.41d Trial

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:01 am
by nabo.
Halibel's map is our short-run solution. Since he is not technically editing the map itself, there is a limit to improvements.
We are still expecting to use brouder's map in the near future.
Brouder's advice helped halibel with clog issues and I heard brouder received tower data from halibel, so brouder can improve his map.
Things like tower balance (buffing/nerfing), ally control when someone leaves, global antistuck, more fun modes, etc are things he has been working on afaik.
Brouder's latest map is being autohosted on ent77. Hope you guys provide more feedback.

Re: Legion TD Mega 3.41d Trial

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:37 pm
by KeeRo
nice one!

Re: Legion TD Mega 3.41d Trial

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:08 pm
by pistov
i think old mini map was much better.

Re: Legion TD Mega 3.41d Trial

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:19 am
by pewpew lasergun
yea there is a pb too with the box, too much gama, cant see the sends unless box has many sends ^^

Re: Legion TD Mega 3.41d Trial

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:55 am
by scar93
can u upload map in some hosting like cloudgnome (links to dl dont works already)

Re: Legion TD Mega 3.41d Trial

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:59 pm
by Diablo_
Map looks solid and I can't recall anyone disliking it. Clog abuses seem to be fully eliminated.

Thanks @halibel

Re: Legion TD Mega 3.41d Trial

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:06 pm
by dweiler
Good update! However, the anti-stuck message is really disturbing (casted instead of cast). If you can please fix this it might save some ignorant students a point on their exams.