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Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:36 pm
by Psyclone
Immolation has - as is well known - a big effect on the game. Since in the new version creeps don't clog anymore, the problem accelerated (because now the creeps run straight and not stagnant to the king). Something has to change: Either make immolation weaker or make wave/stomp stronger.
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:51 pm
by Diablo_
Why exactly would immo be stronger now?
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:58 pm
by Qvist
I think immo is fine, but you do save some heals on 7 = you actually win race 15 17 more often with immo + if you don't have immola you have to focus your build on 14 sometimes: this means you can't clogg and win races. So clogg is gone, BIG thumps up. Now we just have a new problem, but maybe the meta game will change and players will start holding 7 more often.
I still think this new no clogg map haven't really buffed level 8 which I was hoping for.
8-13-16 still weak levels.
I like my idea giving king heavy armor. I don't see downsides of this.
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:09 pm
by nabo.
Should make weaker and stronger diff poll options and perhaps add other ideas for balancing. ... 90#p270421
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:09 pm
by supersexyy
8, 13 and 16 being weak to king is not to do with the magic damage. All range levels are weak at king so they should get phase boots at king. 13 is weak because the level is weak.
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:13 pm
by nabo.
supersexyy wrote:8, 13 and 16 being weak to king is not to do with the magic damage. All range levels are weak at king so they should get phase boots at king. 13 is weak because the level is weak.
You mean so creeps can stack on top of one another and attack king instead of circling around him?
I suggested same to brouder awhile ago. He couldnt do it. But, he did change demon's attack range for lvl 16.
Maybe it had to do with splash towers raping creeps at king if creeps are (somewhat) stacked. Wave would also become quite strong.
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:15 pm
by supersexyy
Units receive phase going into the mid why can't they keep it at the king? 8/12/16 suck because the spawns/sends take ages to attack the king from circling and they can't all attack the king due to collision.
This also relates to the OP as buffing these levels is a buff to wave. and a pretty big buff too
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:17 pm
by Krayyzie
yet 13 is not an unnormal level to finish games, and in 2s 8 and 12 area very strong level and usually costs heal or forces enemy to king alot and in 3s its quite normal to burn 1-2 heals?
The big difference with the new map is still, people who actually Hold 5,7,8, will be close to the same strength as on the earlier map, however, the ones yoloing and just leaking, will be leaker (due to less leaks to king, less time to income). and yes, level 7 is actually easier to hold now as overall the levels pre 7 goes faster..
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:22 pm
by Qvist
Buffing their movement speed will just make it a chaos level, I think dmg is the right way to go. 50 satyr vs king should be same dmg as 50 acolyte dmg over the same amount of time. = acolyte needs more dmg.
Btw level 13 in 3s? Never lost on 13 in 1v1 or 2s I think.
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:34 am
by Dong
instead if trying to change this and that for whatever reasons you might have, i just suggest that players in general starts to play better.
i mean, i have seen occasion of East team, sending full level 7 to West team, withouth having nearly any form of scouting to king spell or units of west team, and West team haves immo, and east have wave, so east blows some heals, and calls out "lucky immo" in all chat, when all it is, is bad calls, Because East team knew from lvl 5 they had wave, and knew their units, and knew their leaks with and without sends, and still choose to send 7.
so let me ask, is it a luck factor, or is it really players that plays bad/make bad calls, and then afterwards blame it on luck.
I know what i think about it, What do you guys Think ? .
Dong has spoken.
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:32 am
by SLSGuennter
@Dong u still have to admit, that teams with immo get higher winpercentages then teams without. Or not?
And since this is a 33% chance to be lucky or not, it rly sucks and should be balanced. The kingspells werent altered after making the map to x3 and therefor are unbalanced like this ... I personaly think immo should get a nerf.
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:36 am
by pewpew lasergun
i think should not change anything to the map for now.
you go down this path of balance, there is many things that need change like archer, aqua, zombie ....
which is what broud3r did on a different map.
balance is good, but its gona create alot of bugs, and I believe the map maker is not fully committed to the map.
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:00 am
by cam_breezy
i think if we changed the range of the creeps on 8 and 16 to a shorter range. game would be nicer
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:07 am
by bugatti_veyron
Immolation is tenfold stronger right now. since the whole creepwave goes to king at the same time, it also dies at the same time making it so u take much less damage than u used to. If u nerfed immo though, lets say make it so u burn 2 heals if u normally burned 1, would change the entire gameplay and make it so people have to adujust and rethink their approach to the game, something that no one likes, otherwise more people would be playing the brouder map. buffing wave is the way to go in my opinion since stomp has other uses and traits, while wave is pretty much a wyverns killer on 10.
Re: Poll: Should immolation become weaker OR wave/stomp stronger?
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:56 pm
by Dong
Guennter wrote:Well
@Dong u still have to admit, that teams with immo get higher winpercentages then teams without. Or not?
And since this is a 33% chance to be lucky or not, it rly sucks and should be balanced. The kingspells werent altered after making the map to x3 and therefor are unbalanced like this ... I personaly think immo should get a nerf.
well i can say that some of the games i have played lately, where my team got wave/stomp, and enemy team got Immolation,
We only used 1 heal on 7, and the good thing is that when you have wave, and enemy have immo, you have better skills vs lvl 10, wich is allmost allways the next send level, and you usually take back the heal from enemy that you lost on 7 if not more. What i am really trying to say as i said earlier, the map as it is now, is pretty good imo, and most of those who complaint atm, are the old "super Cloggers" that simply feels a little lost now, that they can't abuse the way they did before
people should just get more skills, like the great dong