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lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:51 am
by nabo.
Currently, when someone !signs, the expiry timer is 5 minutes and if another person !signs, the timer renews to another 5 minute.

The signing process can take up to 35 minutes (7 players x 5minutes) = too long. People also sometimes go afk after signing and forget to !unsign creating needless unvouch scenarios.

Suggestion: Change it so !sign procedure expires after 10 minutes since 1st person !signs.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:37 am
by supersexyy
This suggestion would be a huge backwards step. With your suggestion I could sign, go to the toilet and I've lost my spot for the next game.

I propose the following: Players are automatically unsigned if they do not 'chat' in the channel for a period of 10 minutes

I also believe this suggestion should be in the lihl forum as all lihl suggestions are.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:58 pm
by nabo.
supersexyy wrote:This suggestion would be a huge backwards step. With your suggestion I could sign, go to the toilet and I've lost my spot for the next game.

Didnt know it takes tat long to use the washroom. Ppl can sign while they not afk.

I propose the following: Players are automatically unsigned if they do not 'chat' in the channel for a period of 10 minutes

Perhaps altering the !afk channel command and combining with !sign will work. How long till game does not start and expire? Maybe it wont be needed.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:18 pm
by Diablo_
This suggestion makes no sense. It would be stupid if someone started a game 9 minutes ago, you come to the chat, sign, go afk 2 min, you come back and you lost your spot. Or a game being started 9:30 minutes ago, a 4s game ends, people sign, during sign process game gets canceled and those not being fast enough to sign again lose their spot.

Same as other suggestion, keep it as it is. It's working totally fine with maybe 0.1% of the "!sign" actions causing minor problems (going afk/off while different people keep signing and unsigning to keep it running). And these situations can be easily solved with !lihlunsign / !lihlabort

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:22 pm
by supersexyy
nabo. wrote:
supersexyy wrote:This suggestion would be a huge backwards step. With your suggestion I could sign, go to the toilet and I've lost my spot for the next game.

Didnt know it takes tat long to use the washroom. Ppl can sign while they not afk.

Even if I went to the toilet for 1 minute I could be snipped under your suggestion. This suggestion really makes no sense.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:11 pm
by nabo.
If you like how currently is, what about reducing the 5min !sign process expiry timer per person to 3 minutes?

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:21 pm
by SLSGuennter
supersexyy wrote:I propose the following: Players are automatically unsigned if they do not 'chat' in the channel for a period of 10 minutes

This seems good, though i would shorten it to max 5mins. (not hard to write something once in 5mins, and you need to be there once in 5mins anyway, cause if game starts, right after you go afk, then you have to come back in max 5min and join the lobby)

With this being implemented, the LONG waiting scenarios cause a (for example) 2s is started and always somebody comes to chat and !signs, sees its 2s, and unsigns will not happen anymore. Cause the guy who did create the 2s will autounsign after 5min, and the other players can !start another game.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:04 pm
by supersexyy
nabo. wrote:If you like how currently is, what about reducing the 5min !sign process expiry timer per person to 3 minutes?

I don't think the current process is the best one. But this suggestion is even worse.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:21 pm
by pewpew lasergun
before the 5min that we have, it was a 10min timer maybe 1 year back.

i think the best is to keep it at 5min but without refreshing the timer when someone signs or unsigns.
plus create a manual !refresh command to reset the timer, to be used only when players know all signed players are present.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:58 pm
by nabo.
supersexyy wrote:I don't think the current process is the best one. But this suggestion is even worse.

Well making it 3min is whole lot better than 5min which is how it is now. This would make the sign process max 20min ish instead of 35. Dont see how tats worse.
pewpew lasergun wrote:i think the best is to keep it at 5min but without refreshing the timer when someone signs or unsigns.
plus create a manual !refresh command to reset the timer, to be used only when players know all signed players are present.

supersexyy wrote:Even if I went to the toilet for 1 minute I could be snipped under your suggestion. This suggestion really makes no sense.

My suggestion was 10min without timer resetting. Yours is 5. Sexy says 10 min is too short cuz someone will lose his spot after taking a dump and get sniped, so 5 is no good. I dont think !refresh command improves things.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:14 pm
by supersexyy
Your suggestion has nothing to do with the current 5/10 minute timer mechanics as Diablo clearly explained.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:21 pm
by nabo.
supersexyy wrote:Your suggestion has nothing to do with the current 5/10 minute timer mechanics as Diablo clearly explained.

I was talking to pew since his suggestion was a version of mine. The current timer is 5min per person. There is no 10min timer mechanic. As for diablo's comment, someone signing at 9min will suck yes. That is the downside to my suggestion. Which is why i asked if 3 min refresh every time a person signs is better (yes, this is a version of current set up...)or whether your .afk-chat-bot-command-like !sign suggestion will work. Read.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:52 pm
by supersexyy
nabo. wrote:Sexy says 10 min is too short cuz someone will lose his spot after taking a dump and get sniped, so 5 is no good.

I did not say that at all. Please refer to diablo's explanation. 5/10/20 minutes as per your suggestion is irrelevant.

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:52 am
by godlik3
games should expire on 3 min with or not with !sign and !unsign
if game doesnt start just use !start !start2 !start3 again

Re: lihl !sign expiry timer

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:02 pm
by nabo.
Idea retracted since afk problems are minimal atm.

Thx for participation.