I hate to come in here and make a post like this but I feel it's necessary. Keep in mind I do joke around a lot in-game and on the forums but this post is 100% serious and I think it's an issue a lot of people want addressed. When shrimp is in a game, the following things around bound to happen:
• He will build sub-optimally at one point or another.
• He will refuse advice thinking he knows better when clearly his results speak for themselves.
• He will report anyone if they DC even if it's on level 1.
• He will report for the most minor rule breaks, even if they are benign and have no effect on the game.
• He will whine and complain if the game doesn't go well and claim his team "TK'd" him, even though his lack of game knowledge causes him to make poor calls or analyse situations incorrectly.
• The overall quality of the game will decrease, regardless of on whose team he is on.
Personally, I don't think this is the kind of person most people want in the league. He certainly isn't here because of his exceptional skill-level and decision making, nor is he someone that's liked by the community or fun to play with. Keep in mind he was initially vouched by Nore who he is known to be friends with. I have screenshots of reliable sources talking about how shrimp vouch was Nore's decision and now that Nore isn't a mod the rest of LIHL is left to deal with the mess. Will PM these upon request.
I understand not everyone is Beep and everyone makes mistakes. For me, the biggest problem is someone who consistently makes mistakes
and has a very poor attitude. In all my games with or against him, I have never seen shrimp actively try to improve or have fun. He constantly reports everyone for any DC penalty just for that +3 ELO, even if it's a harmless DC very early into the game before any team had an advantage. He claims openly that he needs ELO and it seems all he cares about is getting a high rank by any means necessary. If you look at his recent posts here:
https://entgaming.net/forum/search.php?author_id=48492&sr=posts you will see he files more reports per season that most people have in their entire lives across all bots. I understand rule breaks should be reported but just flagrantly reporting every DC pen to try to earn ELO in a really shady way rather than just becoming good at the game and winning is rather despicable in my opinion.
I understand I need to provide replays to back up what I'm saying. Going through a bunch of games and analysing someone else's misplays is not too high up on my to-do list so I politely ask that you keep this thread open to give me some time to do so. To start, here's a replay where I believe shrimp misplays a very basic and standard YOLO unit quite heavily:
• Level 1 stays 1/0 and adds a geomancer instead of a wisp. Against warriors I'm not even certain this holds, and on top of that being 1/0 is far worse than 2/0. Essentially, since each wisp provides geometric growth to the amount of lumber you harvest, the second one is the most valuable as it doubles your lumber rate, whereas the third one only increases it by 50% and so on. Most YOLO units really rely on the fast 2/0 so they can send more on early levels. I feel if you aren't planning to go holder for 5, 7, or 10 with you units intentionally staying 1/0 when 2/0 is possible is a mistake.
• Level 2 he still leaks despite overbuilding. 3 phantoms does just fine vs a furb send, and can even hold depending on luck. In fact, the geomancer positioned in such a way makes the focus worse and causes the phantoms to take unequal amounts of damage and not realize their full DPS potential. He still leaked the furb which gives the opponent a scout AND he stayed 1/0 for way longer than necessary for no real benefit.
• Level 3 somehow doesn't build now despite overbuilding entire game. Leaks 11 units, gives even more of a scout, and really hurts his YOLO as he can't realistically push fully for 4 as he needs 4 phantoms to hold it, plus he lost over 30 gold by leaking a level with no send.
• Level 4 has to build another phantom and is only 4/0. Again, 4/1 is a pretty big improvement over 4/0 and a normal phantom YOLO could easily be 4/1 or even 5/1 by this point. He almost has as little lumber as the Alch player who has to stay low to upgrade Gob for 4.
• Level 5 his lack of early push means he is low on lumber and can't upgrade king as effectively when facing a send. He essentially has as much lumber as yellow who is building to hold 5/7.
• Level 8 upgrades Clockwreck even though that unit is essentially dead value. Has to stay 7/3 until 9 because he built suboptimally and leaked so much.
• Level 9 forced to build more value than necessary to clear as Clockwreck is dead value. He has 3 unupped phantoms and 2 upped whereas just 4 upped or even 3 upped + 1 unupped + t1 can clear nicely.
• Level 10 pushes from 7/4->7/6 before the level making his send weaker. Naturally still leaks all 3 bosses which is fine, but he's much lower on lumber and inc than a standard YOLO should be in such a drawn out game. He essentially has the same incomes as the holders + he has very low value and is bound to leak 12.
Didn't watch after 11 as he pushed 7/7 and built another geomancer and I guess he was planning on going leaker for team. However, even if he wasn't wanting to leak I feel he may not have had a choice, especially if they lost arena.
I understand everyone has bad games but I feel shrimp plays poorly and has a bad attitude in a lot of his games. I'll post again later once I get around to analysing another replay.