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Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:29 pm
by HealByColor
I want to start off by saying this is not an appeal. I want to let everyone know that I do miss the community and the players and hope all is well.

I am curious why these bugs happen? The kings hp glitched occasionally, games ending in draws because the game bugs in arena, I even have previously had my builder turn completely black. No I do not have screen shots of any of these questions. I am just curious how all these this can be possible but my glitched ss considered mh. Also creeps getting stuck before even reaching towers?

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:13 pm
by TinSoldier
we miss you too HBC :(

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:38 pm
by Jubadus
that is the point I was trying to make.

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:45 pm
by nabo.
HealByColor wrote:I am curious why these bugs happen? The kings hp glitched occasionally, games ending in draws because the game bugs in arena, I even have previously had my builder turn completely black. No I do not have screen shots of any of these questions. I am just curious how all these this can be possible but my glitched ss considered mh. Also creeps getting stuck before even reaching towers?

Never seen king's hp glitch nor have i seen it get reported. It would be nice if u have the replays. Is it from a game on ent or another bot? Halibel's version? Doubt a glitch such as this has any relation to minimap being black though.

Bug in arena meaning? What happens? I have only seen one bug during arena on the original 3.14 ltd map which happens when someone sends a garg during arena making arena lvl not end.

Builder turns black? Never seen this happen too.

Creeps getting stuck before reaching tower? One creep? Multiple? Ive seen 1-4 creeps gettig stuck, thus antistuck being needed. Doesnt frequently happen, but nothing new. This has nothing to do with things being "black" though.

As i said on ur appeal, we could give u the benefit of the doubt if we see similar instances of "black" glitches esp regarding the mini map being partially black.

May be u have some corrupted files or problem with graphic. I do not know. The decision to unvouch you was heavily due to the fact that u did not know how to take a proper screenshot despite ur lihl history. Am i 100% certain u mh? No. But, failing an ss test with partial black mini map + ur troubles with files + ur previous history of posting a ss with mh software (you using mh) indicated a strong suspicion of mh.

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:25 pm
by HealByColor
when I was in lihl has been around 3 games of instances where the kings hp was glitched starting with around 2612 hp or something like that. The units getting stuck normally around 3. Arena I am not sure what causes that. I am just stating that I have witnessed the game being bugged and also not acting right.

I believe that donki or glik3 were in games with glitched hp on king. I am sure someone will vouch for what I say it is a rare thing. I also agree it does seem fishy and agree that I did fail the ss. I don't want to get more detailed into it because it will seem like an appeal just a question. Have a great day everyone!

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:36 pm
by tariqtd
I hope sooner you can come back to us my brother
gl in you life

note . tbh one game in lihl the other side king hp was around 3423 or something like that and our king hp was normal and even the other king hp not growing up and we offer them draw but they refused , and we keep playing until 1 unit hit there king and become normal hp as ours

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:45 pm
by Jubadus
Never seen king's hp glitch nor have i seen it get reported. It would be nice if u have the replays. Is it from a game on ent or another bot? Halibel's version? Doubt a glitch such as this has any relation to minimap being black though.

This has happened to me in 2 lihl games before though it was the last map ofc we draw it lvl 1 when one of the king has less hp than other but I would not doubt it has happened in this map as well with all the glitches I have seen. @nabo

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:48 pm
by Diablo_
There's a difference between bugs concerning the game's logic (creeps being stuck, wrong HP on King etc.) and a displaying bug where your minimap makes no sense at all (which is mostly a WC3 thing, not even a map thing).

Besides that, it is clearly shown that you have the "turn minimap background black" feature turned on, so there goes your "it was a bug" excuse anyway.

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:57 pm
by DJ.FM
I can confirm i have had king hp bug in this version i will even search through replays to find it if need be it would take forever though .

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:35 pm
by supersexyy
Map bug and wc3 bug are two completely different things. I've never had a wc3 bug like the one you've described, nor have I encountered anyone who has.
I've had graphical bugs but those were clearly gpu failures, not a wc3 bug.

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:36 pm
by HealByColor
@diablo_ I am not saying that it was a specific type of bug or even related to new map. Or even possible because my wc3 possibly not on proper setting for my windows or whatever... I don't know that answer honestly as far as the map if it was turned black from the settings idk how that happened when I was playing before being paused it wasn't at that setting.
@supersexxy I would not make up the following bugs I described I also have no clue what the cause is that causes the bugs that was the reason for my post.
@nabo. I totally understand why I was unvouched and banned. I will try to look into some of my previous games to find one with the hp being glitched. I also never said I did not know how to take a proper screen shot I was saying I didn't know what to do when the tga file doesn't go to the ss folder... Which I should of made clear that I was having this trouble I even had this trouble when I was a moderator second time around. Not to sure why no one else has reported the hp issue.

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:49 pm
by supersexyy
I never said map bugs (legion td bugs) don't exist. I just highly doubt war3 client bugs exist like the one you had. All the bugs you described are bugs encoded into the map, not the game engine.

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:09 am
by HealByColor
Sorry for not understanding what you meant.

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 2:38 am
by pewpew lasergun
king with lower hp like 3k instead of 5k at start of game happened few times at start of game on halibel map.
creeps stuck at spawn point happened on halibel map

thats the only 2 bugs i witnessed.

Re: Couple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 2:41 pm
by eldryan
it doesn't really matter about the glitch at this point healbycolor. you failed the ss test then left. that's an unvouch from LIHL (although perhaps the length is excessive). if you want to appeal your ENT ban you should do it in Ban Appeal. if you want to make a map suggestion you should do it in the LTD 3.41 Remake thread.

however.... I guess some people have never played castle fight before (supersexyy and matdas) the game engine can in fact bug from custom game coding. furthermore, the game bugs quite regularly as can be seen in "warcraft 3.exe has encountered a fatal error" crashes. many times parts of the map can in fact glitch and change color. however, that's most likely not what happened here. It's pretty obvious the setting for "turn the map black" was on. if you believe there are no errors you aren't encountering and only fatal ones, I suggest you read up on errors a bit more.