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POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:04 pm
by godlik3
I have senn ppl abusing of requesting dc pentaltys...i dont even need to say that is shrimp.
dc penalties should be asked when u lose a lot of time, or when you sure that you gonna win the game and someone on other team dc's
Ppl are using dc just to get revange of another ppl that they dont like, or to gain pure elo.
I mean, he knows he gonna lose the game and someone dc and this guy win more then 15 elo when he asks for a dc penalty ( 15 from not losing the game + 4 from dc )
A good example: i got a dc penalty from a game that the host didnt even pick the mode ( its insane )
My idea is, no one can ask for more dc's than another player.
Exemple: everybody can ask for 2 dc penalty, but when he asks for a third one he need to w8 at least 1 more lihl player request 2 dc
and this keep going, if the player asks for 4 dc's penalties he need to w8 untill at least 1 more player request 3 dc penalties.
I think this will be really good.

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:07 pm
by Qvist
stop dc,

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:29 pm
by KinG23
Only problem with restricting it to early game is if someone PP's because of a bad roll, in which case they deserve the dc pen.

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:26 pm
by godlik3
@king23 if someone pp we gonna know its rage quit and thats not dc penalty its a ban case

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:47 am
by Dong
godlik3 wrote:@king23 if someone pp we gonna know its rage quit and thats not dc penalty its a ban case

depends on who report it :) i report achilles for rage quit the other day, and there was no doubt he rage quit ^^ but i just said, this is DC case :)

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:29 am
by TinSoldier
I think the system is fine the way it is, however instead of rewarding the players who did not DC free elo, the penalty should only be applied to the person that dc (elo is only lost, not gained). DC should be used to penalize those who play without Gproxy not reward players who are forum warriors and will report for any little thing. This way players like Shrimp cannot take advantage of gaining elo in cases as godlik3 mentioned where the dc happens before even mode is picked.

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 8:00 am
by Dong
iiStyLes wrote:I think the system is fine the way it is, however instead of rewarding the players who did not DC free elo, the penalty should only be applied to the person that dc (elo is only lost, not gained). DC should be used to penalize those who play without Gproxy not reward players who are forum warriors and will report for any little thing. This way players like Shrimp cannot take advantage of gaining elo in cases as godlik3 mentioned where the dc happens before even mode is picked.


Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:20 pm
by aRt)Y
@iiStyLes Players were outraged when we suggested DC pens only to the user who disconnected. Among other arguments, people wanted their "wasted time" compensated, etc.

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:46 pm
by matdas
So can someone translate what g0dlike is trying to say? His broken words are making it hard to read...

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 6:25 pm
by cam_breezy
@matdas he's basically saying we need to limit dc penalties down to 2 per person, i dont understand what hes trying to say after that with the 3 and 4 requests.

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 6:56 pm
by SLSGuennter
@matdas @cam_breezy He wants to say:
He wants a system were nobody can make 100dc-pen requests and the other do just 20 ^^.
A PlayerX can only request a dc-pen, if any other PlayerY already did as much requests (or more) then him.

So if you do 1request, then you need to wait till anybody else equals your amount of dc-pen-requests.
PlayerX = 1request, PlayerY = 1request, PlayerZ = 0request. ... Now Players X/Y/Z can request dc-pen on somebody.
PlayerX = 1request, PlayerY = 2request, PlayerZ = 3request. ... Now Players X/Y can request dc-pen on somebody.
PlayerX = 1request, PlayerY = 40request, PlayerZ = 41request. ... Now Players X/Y can request dc-pen on somebody.
PlayerX = 1request, PlayerY = 1request, PlayerZ = 20request. ... Cant happen.

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:59 pm
by TinSoldier
Really only a minority of people even bother to report people for DC, and most people are understanding for example Tariq is known for having dc issues so tons of players would not even bother reporting him. I think it is bad sportsmanship to expect a reward for another players misfortune that gives you an advantage for being a "snitch". It makes it a toxic environment for players when we are constantly reporting each other and I think adding an elo incentive for it is just the wrong way to go about it, even if the loud minority of players complain.

Re: POLL about dc penalty

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:47 am
by supersexyy
Suggestion denied