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LIHL Players --- Read Pub Rules!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:24 am
by KinG23
It has come to my attention that quite a few LIHL players are unaware of the rules set in place for pub games, specifically drawing and antistuck rules. After seeing a few bans and speaking with a few LIHL members, I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of these current rules to prevent you from getting banned in a pub game, which in effect prevents you from playing LIHL.

Here is the complete list of rules for reference:

Drawing is NOT mandatory under any circumstance in any pub game... it is a vote just like !ff.

Antistuck for Mega/Beta:


Must be used on your stuck units.
Cannot be used on opponent team.
Cannot be used to kill-steal your teammate. You may only catch leaks if your ally's towers have all died. Once all of their towers die, they lose "ownership" of the creeps.
Cannot be used to delay or prevent units from teleporting to king with the intention to hide units or to aggro units away from king. Most common antistuck abuse... do not try to hide your towers in any way! If your towers are headed to the King and your lane ally's creeps are finished off, do not use antistuck!
Cannot be used on your own/ally/enemy towers to send them to the king without fighting creeps.

Antistuck for 1200+:
Same rules as in LIHL, only use if creeps are actually stuck.

If anyone wants any clarification on any of the pub rules, feel free to respond to this thread or send me a PM.