Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

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Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Qvist » Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:31 am

Hey lazy folks, will you pull yourself together and support his remake so he will start work harder for it.

At the moment 3 steps still to come -

1. Map need to be stable and we thank broud3r, halibel and robbepop for their work on that.

2. We need to test it and go through it, I'm sure some of you will help with the beta playing.

3. Ballance changes!!!

In what direction do you want this game to go?

Do you want more playable units or do you want to nerf the excisting strong units?

Do you want changes on levels/king/summons?

Do you want buggs gone from summons like infernal.

And lastly do you want me to stand for a good chunck of ballance changes or will you help with suggestions so we can get this game more ballanced than the relationship between israeal and palestine is right now?

Forgot to thank nabo for his always great passion for warcraft 3 on entgaming!

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby 1007 » Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:37 am

my opinion

archer=we need count attack lv vs archer (for ex 14 archer op 14 so idsay enable send 1behe for 14 but cant behe mass for lv 15)
(archer +immo= take 2~3 heal on lv 7 and just up king burn 1heal on lv 10 hard to die pre 15 opposite team feel despair)
immo=idk per second dmg but i want immo fear about lv 14
we need more anti lv 17
zombie=zodiak normal attack->siege attack attack speed +25%~40%
tempest=laviatan let down the price mb -20 gold and attack speed +20%(i have seen pew leaked lv 17 with 5400 value hydra+7~8laviatan vs weak send)
cyborg=just delete this
lv 17=70+ leak auto lose even with mid

dragon hawk,seer
both magic but shit vs 15
so how about change armor type mb forf armor or heavy (both sucks vs 7 but expensive tower both)

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Qvist » Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:45 am

This is my first balance input: () this mean change.

I will start with summons, since I think this is the most easy part to do.

1. Militia (50 Medium HP; 5-5 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 20 lumber.

2. Bowman (70 Light HP; 8-10 Pierce DMG; 0.9 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 40 lumber.

3. Ghoul (105 Medium HP; 10-14 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 40 lumber.

4. Warrior (155 Heavy HP; 21-23 Normal DMG; 1.30 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 60 lumber.

5. Whelp (260 Light HP; 37-41 PDMG; 1.40 AS)
Bad, does need changes, it does not do anything. (Change attack DMG to magic and make attack speed slightly faster around 1.20)

6. Hermit (230 Light HP; 25-27 Magic DMG; 1.1 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 100 lumber.

7. Dino (275 Medium HP; 31-35 Pierce DMG; 1.0 AS)
Bad, need a slight change. (I would reduce the wood prize to 105 lumber and reduce the amount of HP to 245)

8. Commander (260 Fortified HP; 30-32+1 Pierce DMG; 1.2 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 120 lumber.

9. Furbolg (390 Medium HP; 36-50 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 140 lumber.

10. Wyvern (390 Light HP; 41-47 Pierce DMG; 1.0 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 180 lumber.

11. Chariot (260 Fortified HP; 43-47 Siege DMG; 1.8 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 200 lumber. (Wish the bug will be fixed so they do double DMG to king)

12. Blood Orc (515 Heavy HP; 66-72 Normal DMG; 1.2 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 200 lumber.

13. Frost Wolf (650 Medium HP; 46-54 Normal DMG; 0.7 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 240 lumber.

14. Ice Troll (545 Medium HP; 54-62 Pierce DMG; 1.2 AS)
Bad, doesn't do anything versus king and feels like he does nothing against units. (Need a buff on DMG to 64-70: atm this unit is worse than blood orc but cost more wood)

15. Warlock (585 Light HP; 59-67 Medium DMG;1.25 AS)
Strong versus units and king. (Need a slight nerf on income from 14 to 12 instead)

16. Pandaren (775 Heavy HP; 82-90 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
OK, doesn't do much tbh. Good thing about this aura is its full income send. (need a slight change in cost from 300-280)

17. Ballista (530 Medium HP;88-98 Siege DMG;1.6 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 340 lumber. (same as charriot, doesn't do double DMGto king, will be fixed hopefully)

18. Shaman (770 Light HP; 65-73 Magic DMG; 0.9 AS)
OK, does need changes, it doesn't fulfill its purpose for 400 lumber. (low income send) (need a bit more DMG for 400 lumber, 68-75 instead)

19. Pudge (1050 Heavy HP; 141-159 Normal DMG; 1.3 AS)
Ok, does work great on some levels. Need a change though (should be buffed to be 19 income)

20. Gargoyle (920 Light HP; 106-116 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
This is the most interesting change. (This unit is very strong but it does not fit the unit to do normal DMG, should be changed to pierce attack)

21. 21. Behemoth (1420 Fortified HP;145-155 Siege DMG;1.3 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 500 lumber. Like its full income.

22. Kraken (1285 Heavy HP;131-145 Pierce DMG;1.20 AS)
Very strong, does not need changes since its an endgame spawn.

23. Infernal (2500 Fortified HP;155-173 Chaos DMG;0.8 AS)
Sad its bugged, hope it can be fixed. Have no idea how good it would be then.

24. Demon (3000 UHP; 221-257+24 Chaos DMG; 0.8 AS)
Very strong, does not need changes since its an endgame spawn.

These are my thoughts on summons, I think these balance suggestions is okay in a way. The only 2 units I think could cause some problems is dino and whelp versus cross on mega bot.

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby archol » Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:00 am

May i ask how far this version is at the moment? Maybe applying the same king spell for both teams wouldnt hurt either etc

Last games we got outrolled and even worse got wave against immo haha

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Diablo_ » Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:09 am

I'm sceptical if broud3r's map would ever be welcomed by the community, it just feels too different. So if anyone wants to put time into this, he should be aware that it might be "wasted".
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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Qvist » Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:23 am

This looks ok tbh
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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby MarshMallows » Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:56 am

The old map was updated to 3.41c wasn't it? why do we need the remake now?

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Qvist » Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:14 am

the game will be much better:
Units much cleaner. The map itself - such as the ground/lines/details hopefully will get a serious upgrade. Balance changes such as summon tweaks, maybe unit/tower balance. Bug fixes. Fix the software so no delay.

Broud3r said there are no limits to what can be done.

Only problem i see right now with broud3rs map is that the graphics is horrible beside the units. Lets hope robbepop is a better painter.

These are things which I think can be changes if broud3r and this new guy robbepop will work for it.


Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby MarshMallows » Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:32 am

I wasn't impressed when I tried out the new map a while ago. it was very laggy and didn't feel the same. Also I held 9 with 3 mavericks lol. If there is no limit to what he can do he should go do that... he plays legion, why does he need feedback at the moment? surely he can make the map almost perfect and ask for feedback at the end?


Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby MarshMallows » Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:39 am

Maybe he does need feedback, I just read robbepop's last post and it looks promising. basically my feedback is, why is there wandigoos and cyborgs in the game, it is a complete waste of a unit slot.

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Qvist » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:07 am

They just have the wrong numbers.
I don't have the time to give you examples on how it maybe should be instead.
Its a lot of work to get everything right.

Something you could change is HP or gold prize. Maybe the DMG or attack type could be changed also.
But take a look on my suggestion about summon balance. I think they look good tbh. Will boost the weak and change some of the strong.


Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby MarshMallows » Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:23 pm

No single shot unit should be slow... Like i know mino has stomp but it's too slow to make it worth while most of the time.

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Akitos » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:04 pm

Not sure why we need this tbh. 3.41e gets the job done and LTD2 is coming next year, waste of time imo.
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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby nabo. » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:00 am

Buffing certain towers or simply changing the price wouldnt hurt. Rolls play a big role in winning the game.

With more efficient coding (little to no lag), original LTD tower data (which broud3r got from haalibel), and collabo of the three mapmakers...can make this work.
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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Akitos » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:56 am

But what for? As far as i'm aware of LTD2 release timelines are to be announced this year. And lets be honest, i doubt wc3 LTD will see much play after LTD2 comes out ^^
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