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ENT's Legion TD Mega In-House League (LIHL) is a vouch-based Legion TD Mega league for skilled players who want to play in-house games against other skilled players. You can apply for vouching by following these guidelines; you'll either need some previous league experience or replays before applying.
Auto-balanced games are hosted after enough players (8 or 6, depending on the desired game size) sign into the game in the channel. ELO and other stats are updated after the game ends. Everything is conducted in channel "Clan LIHL" on Azeroth/USEast, so you must create a USEast account if you do not already have one.
Activity meter:
Required commands
!start: start a new game (only if there is not already a current one)
!start3: start a new 3v3 game
!sign: sign in to the current game
!unsign: sign out of the current game (you cannot !unsign until a minute after you !sign)
Other Commands
!players: shows the currently signed players
!stats: shows stats
!active: shows vouched players who are online
!isvouched <username>: checks whether <username> is vouched
!unbanme: if you were banned from channel for not being vouched earlier, this will unban you (/w ENT.LIHL !unbanme)
!invite: receive a clan invitation
!top: see the users with the highest ELO scores in the league (!bot: lowest ELO scores)
!compare <player a> <player b>: compare two players to see their wins/losses together/against (Not yet working)
!games: get the last gamename
!lastplayers: get the players in the last game hosted
!notify X: notify you when X people sign (!unnotify to stop notify)
!status: displays your sign status (which game you signed for, if any)
!channel: displays the current LIHL channel (if Clan LIHL is flooded)
!active: Lists all vouched players who are currently online
!challenge <username>: challenges <username> to a challenge game
!accept: accept a challege game
!reject: reject a challenge game
!draft <username>: during drafting phase, adds a user to your team
In-game commands
"(owner only)" commands can only be used by the player in [brackets] at lobby.
!ihs: check your stats
!start: (owner only) starts the game
!swap X Y: (owner only) if team agrees, swap is allowable; swapping between teams is never permitted
!ping: (owner only) display player pings
!scores: Displays the ELO of both teams (Not yet working)
The first player should type !start to start a new game. Then, other players should type !sign to sign in on the game. Once there are eight players signed, the game will be automatically hosted on an LIHL hosting bot. The teams and gamename will be broadcasted in the Clan LIHL channel, so you should join the game quickly after you see it appear. When you join the game, you will be locked into the position determined in the auto-balanced teams.
The game owner (usually the highest ELO player, and printed in brackets in the signed users list) must start the game (!start). If there are small issues like with the slots, then the game owner is responsible for fixing it (!swap 1 2 will swap slot s1 with slot s2). If someone doesn't like their color or a team agrees to change their lanes, !swap can also be used. However, !swap should not be used to switch players who are on different teams.
The auto-balancing algorithm chooses the teams such that the difference in average ELO is minimized. It also places the highest ELO player of each team as Red and Yellow respectively.
Observers are enabled in the games, and anyone who joins and is not signed in to the game will be placed into an observer slot by default.
More about observers here:
Stats are updated within five minutes after the game ends. The vouched player list on the bot is also updated once every five minutes.
Stats will be reset at the end of every season/cycle.
LIHL moderators are responsible for deciding who will be vouched, watching out for rule violations, and helping newly vouched players. They also have access to these commands:
!lihlrefresh: refresh the vouched player list (list is automatically refreshed every five minutes)
!lihlsign <username>: manually sign a user (must be vouched); shouldn't be used except in special cases
!lihlunsign <username>: manually unsign a user
!lihlpermit <username>: unban user from channel and permit user to join channel (won't be autobanned)
!lihlban on/off: enable or disable banning unvouched players from the channel (with the exception of "permitted" users)
!lihlabort: aborts the current game
!lihldefend: disables LIHL-defend (returns all bots to Clan LIHL after a channel flood)
LIHL admins have access to these commands:
Rehosting: /w ENT27 !load lihl, then type /w ENT27 !pub gamename
You can find a list of the Admins and Moderators here:
League prizes
LIHL is divided into six cycles (aka seasons) per year. The first season ends on February 1st, the second ends on April 1st, the third ends on June 1st, the fourth ends on August 1st, the fifth ends on October 1st, and the sixth ensd on December 1st. At the end of each cycle, the player with the highest ELO score will receive a prize of $50, and we will post other awards (highest K/D, most insane, etc.) on the forum.
The first season will end on August 1st instead of June 1st, so it will be a three-month-long season instead of the normal two.
All monetary prizes will be distributed through Paypal; prize recipients must have or register for Paypal to receive prizes.
Note: if multiple players have the highest ELO, the prize pool will be split (as evenly as possibly) among them.
Note2: there will be no cash prize if there are less than 40 games per month during the season.
Information (updated May 14, 2013)
Moderator: LIHL Staff
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