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Rules (Edited May 30, 2013)

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:15 pm
by uakf.b
All ENT Legion TD Mega rules must be followed in-game. Other ENT rules obviously apply as well. This post covers policies specific to LIHL.

Before the game starts
  • If you have to leave or AFK, then you must !unsign. If you come back later, type !sign again.
  • If there are more than eight people in the channel, whoever !sign first will be put in the game (also applies for 2v2 or 3v3).

When the game is hosted
  • You have two minutes to join the game after it is hosted.
  • Players will be automatically placed in the correct slot. However, if two players on the same team wish to swap positions (for example, color preference) and the rest of the team agrees, then the game owner (player with highest ELO) should swap them using the !swap command.
  • Edit: Observers: If 100% of both teams agree to allow a player to be an observer, then it is acceptable (If any player objects to an observer then the observer will be denied access to watch the game). Note that players who join but are not on the team list are automatically placed in an observer slot.

During the game
  • Remaking: if a majority of players on each team agree to remake (typing !remake is one form of agreement) and an LIHL moderator is available, then all players should leave and the moderator should recreate the game. Players will have to move to the correct slots. Automatic remaking is not currently possible.

After the game
  • You must re-enter the LIHL channel and say "uakf.b is awesome" or you will be permanently banned from all ENT games, including LIHL.

Violation of any rules are grounds for temporary or permanent unvouching, and possibly also banning from other ENT games.

Re: Rules (Edited May 30, 2013)

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:48 pm
by iightfyre