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update game mode rule

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:17 pm
by cam_breezy
I'd like to change the unanimous vote rule to majority vote for choosing game modes. i dont think its fair that 1 person gets to choose mode over 7.

for all those who dont know unanimous means everybody has to vote, which is the current rule..

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:26 pm
by nabo.
i dont think its fair that 1 person gets to choose mode over 7.

...for all those who dont know unanimous means everybody has to vote, which is the current rule..

One person doesnt choose mode. We have a default mode.

If everyone agrees to play a suggested mode by whomever, it is perfectly fine to play this mode. Why should it be majority if one or two persons disagree? Afterall, prophet is the default mode due to its demand.

Nonetheless, either works as long as everyone agrees to follow.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:43 pm
by Play4EIo
Majority decision is not a good idea imo. That means 5 people can make 3 people play a game they dont want to.
Imo u cant even implement a rule that says if 7 people agrees and 1 doesnt he should be swapped out (if anyone is availeble to join) Since it would be unfair to exclude a player from a game cause he wants the Default mode.
majority vote is gonna make problems. Then u might aswell change the defeault mode if thats what people wants.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:10 pm
by Krayyzie
Kind of agree on the majority part, however, I remember there was some kind of discussion some seasons ago about having game name decide mode.
And another discussion i remember were to change default mode during certain weeks
for example

week 1: Hpgmcb prop
week 2: sdgmcb
week 3: hpgmcb hybrid
week 4: hpmmcb
week 5: hpgmcb prop
and so on.

Im not sure if people would be interested in this now, seems like alot of people have been wanting nondefault mode lately.
My personal thoughts on it is that the best players should be able to adept to any gameplay and mode, so playing different modes would definately be more fun.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:06 pm
by cam_breezy
okay but this being a pro league.. shouldnt be just playing default all the time. its lame. and even if 3 people get out voted to play a custom game then they should deal with it and learn to be more open and pro about the decision.

fact is pro's should be more open to custom games otherwise you dont belong here.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:42 pm
by Play4EIo
cam_breezy wrote:okay but this being a pro league.. shouldnt be just playing default all the time. its lame. and even if 3 people get out voted to play a custom game then they should deal with it and learn to be more open and pro about the decision.

fact is pro's should be more open to custom games otherwise you dont belong here.

Lets get something straight. No one here is "pro" we all amatuers, just better than alot other people.
And still i think ur statement "u dont belong here" is kinda ignorant. People got a different taste, u want custom game thats fine but others doesnt want.
I think lihl would lose alot of activity if this was implemented.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:51 am
by cam_breezy
default mode exercises no skill, too much is based on gamble and luck. just sayin.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:22 am
by nabo.

Wanna alternate between 2-3 modes all would agree its decent?

hpgmcb prophet sdgmcb argmcb ??

Game owner roll or input some command initiation in lobby and outputs one of the modes. Must play the mode.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:45 am
by supersexyy
Wouldn't be difficult to add in the bot randomising a mode if that's what people want.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:46 am
by AvadaKedavra
I think it's a terrible idea. I wouldn't wanna play standard races and hybrid lol? Isn't hybdrid the one which generates random tier towers? Talk about skill -.-

I think the current mode represents a lot of skill, just look at the rankings and how some people manage to outperform others consistently. Sure there's a lot of variance involved, but in the end it evens out.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:52 am
by nabo.
AvadaKedavra wrote:I think it's a terrible idea. I wouldn't wanna play standard races and hybrid lol? Isn't hybdrid the one which generates random tier towers? Talk about skill -.-

I think the current mode represents a lot of skill, just look at the rankings and how some people manage to outperform others consistently. Sure there's a lot of variance involved, but in the end it evens out.

None mentioned hybrid.

sdgmcb had been played on ent tournaments and during fun weeks.

Current mode doesnt really represent skill, more like it is wat most prefer considering its randomness. Although skill is a factor in winning, what rolls you get do play a big role atm.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:03 am
by AvadaKedavra
nabo. wrote:
AvadaKedavra wrote:I think it's a terrible idea. I wouldn't wanna play standard races and hybrid lol? Isn't hybdrid the one which generates random tier towers? Talk about skill -.-

I think the current mode represents a lot of skill, just look at the rankings and how some people manage to outperform others consistently. Sure there's a lot of variance involved, but in the end it evens out.

None mentioned hybrid.

sdgmcb had been played on ent tournaments and during fun weeks.

Current mode doesnt really represent skill, more like it is wat most prefer considering its randomness. Although skill is a factor in winning, what rolls you get do play a big role atm.

Well I strongly disagree. Just because a game has a lot of variance, doesn't mean "luck" is the biggest determing factor. Variance just means in the short term anybody can get lucky, but in the long run the best players will always outperform and "get what they deserve". Same goes for lesser players.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:18 am
by nabo.
In the long run, decent players will recover and deviate around the median or mean elo. I disagree that most decent players are "ranked" high enough. Season is only 3 months and activity and number of games played varies by person by a lot. Cant really say the rating system is the best or accurate.

I could talk more about autobalance which does not really balance skill too...but ill leave this for another time.

There are multiple things that we could discuss why a team won...positioning, knowing what towers are good/bad, knowing how to mix, knowing how much to push or not push, being calculative, etc..., however, rolls, communication, and calls are what matters most imo.

The skill gap or the so called "player skill" in ltd is very small or not as significant of a factor compared to games like dota.

Get me immo and archers or some other great rolls and you can tell me whether balance of towers are good enough for rolls to be randomized.

You seem to think that the chance of having a certain random unit is same for everyone and therefore outcome of events are equally likely. However, this is only the case if many number of games are played which does not happen in this league (law of large numbers).

You should be giving more feedback whether sdgmcb or any other mode aside phgmcb are playable for this league.

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:00 pm
by Krayyzie
Well,as a side note tbh it takes alot more brain to play hpgm hybrid than the current hpgmcb mode.
Not sure if people are interested in some trial of something like this?
If so I guess we could setup a thread voting for the possible modes. Or just go with the ones that are known popular?
hpgmcb prop
hpgm hybrid
Im not sure what the gamemode for the ones with sight of enemy units are, anyone could fill in?

Would probably be those 6 modes.

I wont have the energy to go check for thread with votes on our "fun" weeks in the past, but if im not wrong there would be 3 modes that has been very popular to vote for and I guess if there were less modes than those 6, it would be some of those

hpmmcb prop
hpgm hyb

Re: update game mode rule

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:15 pm
by RadiantCrystal
A lot of brain to play hpgm hybrid? When you always get bashers or some useless units when other team takes aqua and elites, there is no brain in the game. Unless there can be a balance in hybrid, I will always be strongly against it in making hybrid a default mode.