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Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:23 pm
by Don_Killuminati
Can u unvouch me plz, i wont play lihl anymore,
Was fun to play with all of u !!!! :D :D :D :D
Gl in life , work hard play hard, :)
You gonna see me pub sometimes , still enjoy some ltd games.

Re: Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:43 pm
by FadingSuns
Plz Donk dont self TK and lets go epic cant break together on lihl....

Reconsider ur actions, there are friends that wanna play with u!!! dont be selfish!!!

Re: Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:45 pm
by Lord-Miles
Hey Don ..... please reconsider that once again and just let it go ...

Re: Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:01 pm
by TinSoldier
as someone with a little bit of experience on this matter, its a self tk call. You shouldn't leave the league because you and diablo want to see who has the bigger peepee.

Re: Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:53 pm
by aRt)Y
iiStyLes wrote:as someone with a little bit of experience on this matter, its a self tk call. You shouldn't leave the league because you and diablo want to see who has the bigger peepee.
It can argued whether what diablo did was correct or not. However, re-banning an unbanned player is one of the most unprofessional things there is. We forbid moderators doing it as it can't be the player's fault for getting unbanned.

I've passed the case to nabo and he will address it.

Considering people tend to rage quit and come back two days later, I will give you a few hours to reconsider your decision. If you really wanna retire from the league's staff position, please confirm it by replying again.

Re: Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:32 pm
by Artichoke
aRt)Y wrote:
iiStyLes wrote:as someone with a little bit of experience on this matter, its a self tk call. You shouldn't leave the league because you and diablo want to see who has the bigger peepee.
It can argued whether what diablo did was correct or not. However, re-banning an unbanned player is one of the most unprofessional things there is. We forbid moderators doing it as it can't be the player's fault for getting unbanned.

I've passed the case to nabo and he will address it.

Considering people tend to rage quit and come back two days later, I will give you a few hours to reconsider your decision. If you really wanna retire from the league's staff position, please confirm it by replying again.

This league is in bad shape. All the old school players are leaving, there's less activity than before, and you even have some troll (maybe Nore or shrimp or some other unvouched person that's mad) posting random guides on how to get away with MH. I really hope Donki decides to stay. He's one of the most dedicated players in LIHL. Very few people have devoted as much time to this league as him. It'd be very unfortunate if he were to leave.

Re: Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:55 pm
by Nore
Accusing me of writing a guide for MH is rather rude.. please remove this from your comment mate. Only one who is trolling is you, as far as I can tell ^^ Also, it's been more active this season than the last few, if you were around you would know that.

Re: Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:04 pm
by Artichoke
I was talking to some people from LIHL and they said you got unvouched and might be salty. Didn't realize you were still in! I guess that leaves shrimp / ship then!

Re: Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 10:12 pm
by Don_Killuminati
aRt)Y wrote:It can argued whether what diablo did was correct or not. However, re-banning an unbanned player is one of the most unprofessional things there is. We forbid moderators doing it as it can't be the player's fault for getting unbanned.

Most unprofessional thing was to unban him without any appeal with him saying he did broke a rule and it wont happend, isn't it?
As i said couples times, i whispered him in game already, saying he was free to make a appeal where he say 'that he did wrong', and i could reconsider.

aRt)Y wrote:Considering people tend to rage quit and come back two days later, I will give you a few hours to reconsider your decision. If you really wanna retire from the league's staff position, please confirm it by replying again.

My decision is definitive and reflected. I retire from league's stagg position and lihl also.
Seeing lihl moderation doing bad from player spot was bearable, but i cant play lihl anymore if i'm not understood and if i cant understand lihl moderation as a mod.
If i come back again i can post vouch request with replays and all stuffs, doesn't rly matter, but it wont happend now.

Re: Unvouch my acc plz

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:05 pm
by nabo.
A warning was given. You werent wrong in banning him, but the bans and unbans after without communicating with one another were no good. Arguing in public against one another about a ruling doesnt look like the best approach. PM and staff forums exists for communication purposes. Utilize them. Could have talked to me too don.

Anyway, unfortunate that you will be leaving, but that is your decision. Talk to me if you feel otherwise at a later time or want to discuss about this.

Good luck.